39 | The Confirmation

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I sit with my mom in the kitchen as Fangs takes a shower upstairs. "You haven't told him, have you?" She asks carefully.

"No, he doesn't need to know, I wasn't supposed to leave alone, if he finds out I walked out in the middle of the night, he's gonna flip, he and the Serpents has made it their priority to keep an eye on me 24/7" I say.

"Maybe that's a good thing?" Jessica says and I shrug. "Besides, you said you didn't want to tell anyone?" I say and raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah—about that, it's going slow but, it's working, we just need to find a steady way to continue this" she says and I nod.

"You know that I'm ready to do this, if you need me to" I remind her and she nods. This time, we'll get both my father and my uncle down. "Do what?" A voice asks and I jump startled in my seat and my mom's eyes widen.

"F-Fangs" She stutters and looks at me, I look at him and see his hair still dripping a bit and his arms are crossed. I sigh and run a hand over my face. "We were just—""—Cut it out mom, I'm not gonna lie to him, he wouldn't have bought your lie anyways" I say and look at her and she sighs.

"Sit down, please" She says kindly to Fangs and he does, as soon as he sits next to me I take his hand in mine and turn to him.

"After Pickens Day, the head of general Pickens went missing, Archie came to me and claimed that he had seen me out that night, he asked if I had done it, I haven't—by the way—but, the reason I was out is because I had to meet someone, someone I couldn't meet with you guys breathing down my neck" I say and take a deep breath before looking at my mom and she nods at me to continue and I do.

"I met a man, my mom has been trying to guarantee that my dad and uncle stays in there, we're afraid that now that Clay's caught, my dad will pin it on Clay and he'll go free, we needed to make sure that didn't happen" I explain and Fangs looks at me then my mom.

"What did you do?" He asks, I look at Jessica and bite my lip and she takes over. "I hired a guy, he's making sure that Connor's not coming out any time soon" She says and Fangs' get the hint of what we were doing.

"With all due respect and all that—But there is something called a divorce, wouldn't it just be easier?" Fangs asks and looks back and forth between my mom and I.

"No, it would not. You don't know because you're a new part of the family, but—Connor would never let us go, he would either rip us for money, he would try and take Maia away form me, he would hurt us, in more ways than you would think and father and a husband would" she explains and gulps and I nod and Fangs grip my hand tighter.

"I'm so sorry that you came into this, but I need you to understand that it isn't just us—we may have been cleared off of Clay, but if my dad finds out about you, he's gonna try and get through to us via you too" I tell him honestly.

"He won't, I'm protected against that, trust me, he wouldn't be able to get through even if he tried" Fangs assures us and I nod, there's no need to argue with him about this.

"Fangs, I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about this, do you think that you could keep this from the rest of the Serpents?" My mom asks and Fangs looks down at me and then back at my mom and he nods.

"Of course" he says and I nod. "Thank you" Jessica says with a smile. I make a motion for Fangs to follow me and he does, I bring him with me upstairs and I kiss him as we get into my room, he kisses back and put his hands on my waist and holds me in place.

"Thank you. You have no idea how relieved I am" I mumble against his lips and he nods before grabbing my face and press my lips harder against his, I pull away a bit and quickly peck his lips again and he smiles at me.

Fangs Fogarty | RiverdaleWhere stories live. Discover now