Chapter Six - The Piano

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TW: Mentions of smoking...

Connor pulled his shirt back over his head again and sauntered towards the blond smugly. Watching the smaller boy, he noted how furiously his hands had began to shake; if he was trying to use sign language, it was uninterpretable through his tremors. His freckled cheeks were painted with an embarrassed blush as he gasped for breath.

"Hey. Breathe, Hansen. Relax, it's fine." In an oddly soothing tone, the brunet said, sitting down next to the other boy. Evan subconsciously glanced around the room, acknowledging that the other students had entirely filed out. They were alone. "It's alright, dude. Seriously."

"I'm really really sorry I- I didn't mean to- I mean I just- I'm sorry I just think you're cute- oh god wait I'm sorry-."  Evan signed, waving his hands in frustration every time he stopped one exclamation and started another. "I didn't know you know sign language."

A very subtle smile picked at Connor's face as he watched the tense boy next to him. "It's fine, Ev. Plus watching you freak out is adorable." He teased, letting out a warming chuckle. Picking the hem of his striped shirt, Evan forced himself to laugh back.

"It's good having you laugh, kid." The taller boy ruffled the boy to his side's soft hair playfully before standing up and he held out his hand. Blankly, Evan stared at the hand being held in front of him, not completely sure of what was expected of him. Connor's eyes were burning into his head and he was extremely aware of it which only increased the anxious confusion rising in his stomach. Eventually, his mind clicked and he worked out what was expected of him. He sheepishly and gently placed his hand in the taller's, smiling as Connor gripped on to it and pulled him to standing before letting go again.

"You wanna just, like, skip gym together?" Connor lurched back to where he was changing, Evan trailing behind him. First, he tugged his hoodie back over his torso. Then he turned on his heels, facing the blond and smiling expectantly. "It's not like either of us were gonna partake anyway."

"Why are you being nice to me?" Evan stumbled.

Connor hummed in response as he packed away his gym kit. The reason was that Evan was different. As simple as that. The boy was different from their peers; he seemed so quiet and withdrawn which somehow just built up his aura of unfathomable mystery. Evan was cautious, afraid, paranoid. It was as if he knew of something omnipotent haunting the world that every other person was oblivious to. The boy seemed like he had been broken one too many times, in fact Connor knew he had been. Part of his subconscious was afraid for the blond; afraid that Evan would become like him. "I guess you're just... I don't know. You're a freak, just like me."

Connor was ignorant to how his words cut into Evan's heart. One word in particular that plagued him constantly. Freak. He slowly managed to muster a nod, gulping. The brunet swung his bag over his shoulder and toothily grinned.

"You ever smoked, Hansen?"


"Gotten high?"


"Committed petty crimes for no real reason?"


"I have so much to show you, Ev. Where do we begin?" Connor laughed, grabbing Evan's hand for the second time within the hour. Dragging the blond with him, he started walking them out of the changing room. "We can take my car and ditch school altogether if you wanna?"

He turned to the shorter boy, expecting to meet his eyes. Evan was blankly staring at his hand in Connor's, subconsciously tuning the boy's words out. A faint, healthy blush settled on his astronomical cheeks and a soft smiled tugged at his pink lips. When he looked up, he saw aquamarine eyes watching him, snapping him out of his trance. Connor smiled proudly at Evan seeming so different in those few seconds; he was relaxed. His smile faded as the nervousness reinstalled itself on Evan's face. He released the blond's hand hesitantly.

"Where do you want to go?" He signed casually upon letting go of his hand. Although his hands did not flow as naturally as Evan's did, it was clear he was far from inexperienced.

"There is a classroom I know that rarely gets used, never in the mornings either. I go there when I have panic attacks." Replied Evan, smiling as he signed, newfound ease sinking in. "It was a music room but people stopped using it I guess."

"Sounds good to me, Hansen." This time Evan was the one taking the other's hand, pulling Connor gently down a corridor. As soon as he got Connor moving steadily, Evan allowed himself to break into a jog, still dragging the other boy behind him by the hand. Shoes squeaking on the school floors, they borderline ran hand in hand through a doorway that lead to the outside. Together, the boys traced stone paths through garden areas that brought them towards a slightly more secluded building: the music complex. It was segregated due to the noise that tended to be produced within from bands, lessons and classes alike. The smaller boy felt adrenaline rush through him as he easily overtook his companion, dropping his hand and darting between the narrower halls of the music building. 

Feet skidding to a stop, he stumbled outside a door he knew well, Connor calmly approaching behind him. Evan flashed him an award-worthy smile before pushing the hefty door open using his side.

Inside the room was pretty benign; there was nothing magical or even particularly noticeable about its interior. It was barely five square metres and was decorated like any other school room. A few cheap, plastic school chairs had been left astray in the middle of the space and two battered cabinets, one half-open and spewing paper, stood in the corner. A glossy redwood grand piano stood proudly against the furthest wall from the door and Evan approached it immediately.

"Can you please shut the door? Thanks!" The short boy smiled as he sat down on the piano bench, cracking his fingers for dramatic effect. He acknowledged the sound of the other boy doing as asked behind him as he pulled out his phone.

"So... do you play?" Connor sat precariously on the window ledge nearest his friend. He seemed accustomed to sitting on ledges that he shouldn't. Evan nodded slowly, scrolling through his phone.

"Not very well." He signed upon putting his phone on the lid of the piano so he could read the chords in front of him. "I prefer to write music really." He confessed for some unknown reason.

"Play for me, Ev." Connor playfully swung his legs. "Serenade me~!"

Word count: 1122

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