The Aftermath

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Nicole's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes to a brightly lit room. When my eyes adjusted, all I could see was white. Am I dead?

I heard movement next to me and looked over to see more white. A woman in white. Maybe she was an angel.

"You're finally awake," the woman said in a soft voice. "I was beginning to worry you might just want to continue sleeping." So, I'm not dead.

The woman propped me up a bit on some pillows, handing me a styrofoam cup of water. "Drink, dear. IVs can only do so much."

I looked down at my arm. Sure enough, there was a needle stuck in the middle of my arm, a thin, clear tube connected that lead up to a bag of clear liquid that hung near my bedside. "Where am I?" I asked, my voice hoarse and quiet, surprising me.

"You're at the NYC hospital, not too far from where you work," she gave me a polite smile.

"How do you know... Where I work?" I tried to scoot up more, but pain shot through my body, causing me to close my eyes in slight agony.

"Oh, dear, don't strain yourself. You're in good hands." She placed a hand on my shoulder very gently. "I know because I know your boss. His parents and I are quite good friends."

I whimpered a bit, wanting to curl up in a ball and sleep again, but I couldn't. My body ached everywhere, and I couldn't remember anything other than going into the office to help Andy with the work.. Wait, did she say boss? "Where's An-.. Mr. Biersack?" I opened my eyes, suddenly wide awake. 

Her smile dropped slightly. "He's in surgery, currently. You're lucky he could save you. He had been shot in the stomach."

"Is he going to be okay?" I looked up at her, the feeling of dread creeping in like a snake winding slowly around its prey. 

"Yes, dear. He will be fine... It will just take some time for him to recover, as it will for you too."

I nodded and looked around the room. Luckily, I was in a single room. I don't think I could've handled hearing another person nearby that was hurt. The room was small, though, so another bed wouldn't have fit anyways. 

There was a window over on the far wall opposite of the door that overlooked the city. Currently, it was nighttime. The sky was dark with a few scattered stars. It looked so peaceful. New York from above looked peaceful. New York is never peaceful. Maybe it was my state of mind in that current moment, or maybe the city did a complete 180, but for once, the bustling of New York City seemed to cease. A calm type of quiet. There were no car horns or engines being heard. There were no people yelling or doors being slammed. There was just silence.

I looked back to the lady who I guessed was my nurse. "Why is the city so quiet?"

"We made sure people weren't near the hospital. When you get out, you have to understand that there will be many questions asked. There will be reporters, paparazzi, and just overall nosy people. You are quite popular recently..." She turned on the news:

Biersack Airlines' Scandal!

"Biersack Airlines recently underwent some changes over the past few days. The big man who runs the place isn't so big now. Who let a person as young as Andrew Biersack run a national airlines business? Did he scam his way to the top? We all knew it was too good to be true for someone as young as him to have such a successful career. 

Recent reports from anonymous callers said that Biersack had control over his employees by reasons of sexual misconduct. Ever wonder why the only employees you see are female? Is it for good business? Or is it for good pleasure for the boss man? One employee in particular, Nicole Brown, who we were told was his new personal assistant, is thought to be dating him. An employer-employee relationship isn't at all illegal, but their relationship is something of an eye squinter. 

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