Chapter 11
i had soon found out that my ex boyfriend broke out of prison. i dont know why or how but it just happend.
i was also told that my ex boyfriend found my adress by googling me. okay? but anyways.
the cops told me everything.
they found out that the night he raped wasnt on perpose, his dealer had told him he was going to kill me if he didnt pay him. so him being him, he decided to kill me himself, but he couldnt he loved me too much. so he told his dealer he had killed me but really he hadnt.
( A/N i understand that might be confusing but get over yourselfs im trying to get the story to go the way i want it to. )
there was a hearing today, saying weither he was going back to jail or not. and honestly i think it went pretty good. after i learned that he didnt want to do what he did in the first place, i didnt want him to get shipped off again.
even though he sexually harmed me i still love him. its that kind of love, when you love them til the end of time.
i couldnt just let him rot in prison like those people you see on tv.
so since i had been thinking this all over, when the time came i stood up and told them no he shouldnt go to jail.
so since you're wondering yes we are back together, im still on edge but it is what it is.
A/N the reason i made the story like this is because some stuff had happend when i first made this story and its all better now so i wanted to end it with a happy ending. and no this isnt the end i just thought i'd inform you.