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Amara's POV:

"Ms. Saint Clare," my secretary called. I got off my desk and pressed a button on my telephone and said, "Tell me, Addison."

"Your appointment with Chase Thompson is today at 7 pm," she said sweetly.

"What?!" I asked, my voice getting higher. "Alright, can you call Ms. Davis to remind her as well?" I said while calming myself down.

"Of course," Addison said sweetly ending the call.

I couldn't believe it. Today was the day. It was the biggest deal we've had in a while, and it was our only way to stay in the USA. Wherever the deal was we needed to move. My best friend, who I met in college, Skyla, and I founded this company after a few years of college. Although she was younger than me by a few years, we dropped out of college in hopes of making our company international. Now our company is worth about 800 million dollars. Since we are in a loss of money we need to team up with a celebrity, and today was the day we met the person we would team up with.


I quickly stuffed a piece of an apple in my mouth, put on my coat and checked the time on my watch "6:03 pm" it read. I ran out of my office and stormed into Skyla's. I saw her sitting at her desk going through some papers while eating a cookie.

"Skyla!" I yelled. She got up, startled, and looked at me.

"Why did you do that, I was trying to eat peacefully," she said, irritated.

"Our meeting," I paused, "With Chase Tompson."

I could tell my eyebrows went up slightly just as her's had done. She quickly stuffed the rest of her cookie into her mouth and threw on her coat. She paced towards her desk and pressed a button and told Addison to get the limo ready. After doing all of this she looked at me. A small smile appeared on her face as the both of us held hands. A smile crept on to my face as both of us squealed out of joy and started dancing.

"Wait!" I yelled. I checked the time on my watch and it read "6:19 pm". "We're going to be late," I said.

We both ran out of her office and ran to the elevator. As soon as we reached the ground floor, we both stormed out of the building and entered the limo waiting at the door for us.


Skyla and I probably fell asleep because Addison needed to wake us up. I got up, startled by Addison. I looked to my side and Skyla was awake as well. I looked at my watch to see that the time was 6:55 pm. I looked at Skyla and nodded my head. We both got out of the car and we went into the hotel. We both stopped, as the manager greeted us with a small teethed smile. We smiled back at him as he showed us the conference room. We both went inside and sat down, I looked down at my watch to see that the time was 7:02 pm. I slightly bit my lip as we waited for another ten minutes when a man dressed in black walked through the door. Behind him there was a man dressed in a dark blue suit. Still biting my lip I got up to greet him. I moved towards him and held my hand out to shake his.

Instead, he pulled me into his embrace and hugged me while he said, "It's been a long time since I've seen you," he paused, "Did you forget how much fun we had?" he questioned. I pulled away as my eyes widened. I went to Skyla who was still sitting on the chair.

"I have to go to the bathroom," I said blankly.

She nodded her head, I started walking towards the door of the conference room, when a hand tugged at mine.

I turned around, Skyla held my wrist she looked into my eyes and said, "You okay?"

I slightly nodded my head and walked out of the room. I ran to the restroom as tears flowed out of my eyes and dripped down my cheeks.

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