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Yoongi's POV:

I ran out of the Bangtan House. I had just gotten a call from Mina and she seemed rather worried. She told me to meet her as soon as I could. I got into my car and drove as fast as I could, most probably breaking all the rules of the road. I had finally come to her house and knocked on the door. She opened the door and she pulled me inside to make sure no one had seen me.

"Yoongi..." she trailed off, shedding a tear.

"Hey, what is it?" I said trying to calm her down. "A pretty girl like you shouldn't cry," I almost whispered holding her face in my palm wiping a tear from her cheek, trying not to cry myself. I loved her, I know my actions might not have proved that in the past week or two, but I've put that behind me. She wasn't one of those whores who only wanted me for the sex or for the fame. I've decided who I really loved and I loved Mina.

"I don't know if you are going to be with me after I tell you this," she whispered while I pulled her into a tight hug.

"I love you, Mina," I said kissing her head, "Nothing will change that."

"Yoongi I'm pregnant," she said through her silent weeps.

"What?!" I almost yelled.

"I'm sorry," she cried.

"No... It's fine," I said trying to calm myself and her down, "I will try to be the best father I can to our child."

After a long period of silence, I spoke up. "How long?" I asked.

"4 months," she replied, as I just nodded my head. Her baby bump did not show and I wanted to ask about it but I just figured it had something to do with her hormones.


"Good morning," I greeted Mina, as she walked into the kitchen of her home.

"Hi," she said as she wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my shoulder.

"I told the guys I'd be staying at your house for some time," I said and she just nodded her head.

"Did you tell them?" she questioned after a few moments of silence.

"No, I want it to be special for the both of us so I thought it would be good if we told them at the charity event that's coming up," I paused, "I mean, it would be perfect, right? We are going to perform and then at the afterparty, that Amara and Skyla will be hosting, we can tell the eight of them."

"Eight?" she asked.

"Yeah, Amara, Skyla, Tae, Jin, Namjoon, Jimin, Kookie, and Hobi," I replied.

"Oh," she said obviously disappointed. She paused and looked to me her eyes softening, "Amara..." her voice trailed off. "Do you like her?" she finally managed to question.

"Baby," I said looking at her in the eyes. "I love you and only you. Yes. We've had a history but the past is in the past; all that matters right now is the present. And that present is you and our child that you are carrying. Okay?" She slightly nodded her head and hugged me. I wrapped my hands around her and pulled her closer to me.


Anonymous POV:

My phone rang and I looked at the caller ID, which was unknown, and I picked it up.

"Hey," said the voice.

"Babe?" I questioned recognizing the voice on the other side.

"Yeah sweetie," he paused, "Did you tell him?"

"Yes, I did."

"The truth..."

"No, I didn't tell him the truth," I said into the phone.

"WHY NOT?!?" he yelled.

"Because I thought he could be of use," I said smirking.

"And how's that?" he asked with an angry and sarcastic tone.

"You see... This boy toy of mine happens to know Amara St. Clare emotionally and sexually," I said smirking. "And I think we both know that we could use some cash. Amara, since she is your sister, she would be very useful. We kill her and since you and I have her child and her only bloodline left, we get the money. We move to a different country and we take care of our child and our gang."

"This is why I love you, baby," he said. "I'll call you later. You won't be able to call me because I'm using a burner phone. Bye baby."

"Bye," I said in a sad voice. I missed him so much and I would do anything to see him again, but right now I needed to be strong and pretend to be in love with my toy.

Mina's POV:

"We are going to a doctor's appointment," yelled Yoongi.

"Do we need to?" I questioned.

"Umm yes," he replied. "Do you have everything you need. We can get food after the appointment," he said almost reading my mind. I didn't understand why he was being so sweet and so kind but I love it. I love him.


"That is your child," the doctor said pointing to the ultrasound scan. "Do you have any questions?"

"Actually yes I do," Yoongi said from beside me. "Her baby bump."

"That is nothing to worry about. It is called a 'tipped uterus'. It is common and will not affect the pregnancy one bit," the doctor replied with a growing smile on her face. "She will develop a bump in her seventh or eighth month." Yoongi nodded his head.


We had eaten dinner and we both were now headed home. The car ride was very quiet so I decided to break the silence. "Babe," I said. "You haven't been to the Bangtan House in a day, don't you think the members are worried?"

"I actually need to go to the Bangtan House. I will be dropping you off at home and then be going okay?" he said. I slightly nodded my head.

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