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Amara's POV:

"Babe," Mark said.

"Mhmm," I hummed. It has been almost a month since I accepted his request to be his girlfriend. I was currently sitting on his lap with my laptop in front of me, working in my room.

"Babe," he whispered near my ear. His hands snaked around my waist closing the laptop in front of me as he placed a light peck on my neck followed by a few open-mouthed kisses.

"Mm," I managed to hum between his passionate kisses upon my neck. "Not now," I said, sure that we would be caught by someone if things were to get heated.

"Please..." he whispered tugging my earlobe with his teeth, then moving on to kiss my neck further. He turned me around in his lap so I was straddling him. "Please," he whispered again. I didn't stop him so he continued kissing my neck. He pulled away and looked up into my eyes while I looked down into his. He had me in a trance. He lightly pecked my lips twice leaving me wanting more. "Does my little baby want more?" he questioned in a teasing manner. I nodded my head as an answer and he started to tease me more. His hand traveled up my thigh and into the bottom of my skirt tugging at my panties. "More?" he questioned while smirking. I nodded my head and his lips landed on mine. He kissed me passionately his hands finding their way around my body.

His lips worked magic on mine. His scent filling my nose as he lifted himself from the chair; my legs wrapped around his waist and his hands on my ass holding me up. He pushed me to a wall and started kissing me harder. My fingers found their way to his hair and I ruffled through it. He licked my bottom lip indicating for me to open my mouth. As I opened my mouth he pushed his tongue in making the kiss more intense. He carried me to the bed and threw me onto it. He pulled off his shirt revealing his sculpted body. He climbed onto the bed he placed his knees on either side of me, hovering over me now. Relying on his strong arms he pecked my lips and went down to my neck painting a mixture of red and blue marks on my skin to mark his territory. His hands traveled to the hem of my shirt, completely pulling it off, revealing my bra. He continued leaving open-mouthed kisses on my neck and led them down to my chest.

"Mark," I moaned as he roughly sucked on my collarbone and started to grind his bottom half into mine, while he massaged my breast.

"Yeah Mark," mimicked a deep voice from the door of my room, startling the both of us. Mark scurried off of me and I reached for my shirt.

"Yoongi," I said my voice an octave higher than usual due to the embarrassment. "How long were you standing there?"

"Long enough," he shot back. "Plus Jin wants you guys down for dinner; unless you've already had dinner." I nodded my head and made my way off the bed as Yoongi stared daggers into me.

"Sorry," I whispered to Mark. He mouthed a simple, "It's okay," and walked out of the room.


Skyla's POV:

"It's homemade pizza," Jin's yell echoed through the hallway as Mark and Amara made their way downstairs. Mark held on to Amara's hand and Amara's hair was a mess.

"Hey," Mark said and sweetly smiled.

"It's pizza," Tae, who was sitting next to me, practically yelled. Amara just nodded her head, obviously disappointed or mad.


As soon as we were done eating, I grabbed Amara's wrist making her turn to my side. "What is it?" she asked annoyed.

"What is it?" I shot back with a question, causing everyone's attention to turn to the two of us.

"Is everything alright?" Namjoon asked coming closer to both of our frantic forms.

"Everything is fine," Amara managed to say with gritted teeth, turning and walking away. Tae looked at me with concern and confusion. What was it with her? Why was she acting that way?


"I don't get it Tae," I tried to keep calm when we came back into his room. "What is it? What did I do? Like I know I didn't tell her about you, but like that isn't a valid reason for her to go all out on me. Is it? I don't-," I started to ramble, but I was cut off.

"You're right," he whispered into my ear calming me. "She doesn't have a reason to act the way she did."

"But what if she did?" I questioned, contradicting myself. "What if she was just mad at someone else?" I asked.

"Jagiya," Taehyung said, "Do you want to talk to her?" I nodded my head and left the room.


Amara's POV:

"Come in," I said after someone had knocked on my door.

"Hey... Ummm... Is Mark around?" Skyla asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Mark left. Why do you need to talk to him?" I asked sarcastically.

"No," she paused, "I am actually here for you."

I shot my head up from my laptop. "Me?" I inquired, obviously shocked. She nodded her head. "I've actually been meaning to talk to you," I said.

"Oh... I-"

"I'm sorry. I've just been so stressed out," I said. "There are so many bills to pay, the charity event is in a month, the new office needs to be set up, Yoongi caught Mark and I half naked. I-"

"Wait! Yoongi caught you and Mark," Skyla stopped me with a smirk. "And why didn't you tell me? I could've helped with all the company shit."

"I just thought that you'd want to spend time with Tae instead of worrying about this crap," I scoffed.

"I just want to help," she said as her eyes softened. I got up and hugged her tightly.

"I love you so fucking much," I said.

"I love me t-" Skyla's words were cut off by the loud thud of a door. Both of us rushed out of the room to see a worried Yoongi hurriedly rushing out of his room.

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