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"What happened?" I asked as I looked around my surroundings.

"You fainted as soon as you came here" the nurse in the room replied while touching my forehead.

I then remembered why I am here.


"Where is he?" I stood up from my place and headed to the door.

"You should be resti-"

"No I'm fine now where is he?" I cut the nurse off, my eyes piercing through her soul.

"Room 805, to your left" I slammed the door open and turned left, my steps getting faster as I ran down the white hallway.

"803, 804..."

"805" I was about to get in until somebody held the door handle.

"Calm down, he's fine" I looked up at the man in blue, his face was covered with a mask.

"Can't I see him?"

"Yes you can, but he's not fully conscious so try to talk slowly to him" he removed his hand from the handle and took a step back.

I smiled at the doctor and opened the door, closing it carefully behind me.

My eyes started tearing when I saw Taehyung's weak body laying on the bed, eyes closed, his face was pale and his lips were dry.

"What did you do to yourself you idiot" I sat down next to him on a chair as a tear escaped my eye.

"Mina" He whispered my name, trying his best to open his eyes.

An unsure "yes" left my mouth.

"I'm sorry" I kept quiet, I couldn't look at him anymore.

It pained me more than I ever expected, seeing him like this.

"I'm sorry that...we didn't go to the amusement park today, I saw how excited you got in the morning"

"Why are you apologizing you idiot, we'll do it another day it's not like you're dying" I hit his arm playfully but regretted it instantly when he groaned.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, what was I thinking. Should I call the n-"

"Calm down, I was just messing with you" he smirked, earning a death glare from me.

"You're still the same dumb ass boy even in this condition" I giggled, starting to feel less gloomy now that he's okay.

"What can I say? It's in my blood" he smiled at me as my eyes then noticed his dry lips.

He must be thirsty.

I got up from my seat and poured him a glass of water from the stand next the bed he was laying in.

"Here" I slid my hand under the back of his head and helped him drink.

"Did you ask when you're getting discharged?"

"Yeah, in two days" He breathed out and closed his eyes.

"You should rest" I muttered and stood up from my chair, on my way to leave.

"No....." I immediately felt his hand hold my wrist, his grip was loose.

I turned around and smiled, looking deep into his brown eyes.


I gulped when I saw how his eyes started shining, it was as if they were showing need.

As if they were telling me to never leave him.
"Aren't you hungry?" I asked him while checking the time.

6.15 p.m

I've been here for four hours, I'm starting to get hungry myself.

"Yes, but the food here is disgusting. I'd rather stay hungry" He cleared his throat and looked at me, eyes half open.

"Then I'll go make food for both of us" I stated while grabbing my bag from the floor.

"Don't be late" He smiled at me and closed his eyes.

"I won't" I closed the door behind me and left, rushing to my car.

I'm starving.

The sounds of my stomach's rumbling filled the silence in my car as I was on my way home.

What should I cook?

I was trying to think of something that I was good at when it comes to cooking.

Should I just order something instead?

No, I'm going to put some effort into making him food.

Let's just go with some white rice and some sort of flavored chicken.

I hope this becomes eatable.
It took me about 40 minutes to finish cooking both the rice and the chicken.

Tasting both of them before I started scooping them into the two lunch boxes, I was actually proud of myself.

They weren't that bad.

I placed the two lunch boxes in a bag before leaving the house.

I'm even more hungry right now.

I drove faster to the hospital and to my luck, there wasn't any traffic.

As I was walking down the hall, about to turn left, I saw a couple of nurses rushing with a man in a cart.

I couldn't see who it was but I hope that he'll be fine.

Seeing people sick really gets me sad and that's why I hate hospitals.

When I got inside the room, no one was in the bed.

I placed the bag on the table and looked around.

No one is here.

What if that guy was Taehyung?

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