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"Mina" I stopped walking the second I heard his voice.

I turned around and looked at Taehyung with shame in my eyes.

He probably thought I was trying to ignore him yesterday when I just ran away from him.

But it was because I didn't want to be even more late to class.

But I could have said something else.

An unsure "yes" left my mouth.

"Can we talk?"

"About what? Isn't everything okay?" I smiled nervously as he came closer.

"Ask yourself that question"

I froze at his words.

So, I was right, he actually thinks that I was avoiding him yesterday in college.

"Get in the car" I did as he said and unlocked my car and got in the driver's seat seconds before he sat next to me in the passenger's seat.

"I want you to be honest with me" I looked deep into his dark brown eyes as he talked.


"Are you avoiding me because I like you?"

"No! No Taehyung, it's not that. To be honest it feels a bit weird but I'm not going to let it change anything between our friendship, yesterday was just a misunderstanding, I was late to class and all" I rambled at the speed of light and took a deep breath after I was done.

"Are you sure?" I nodded vigorously as he then smiled.

"Good, now where should we go?" He cocked an eyebrow on with a smirk.

Can he stop smirking, it makes him look even more attractive.

Wait, what did I just say?

"Nowhere, I need to study" I replied simply and started the engine.

"Then I'll help you" I laughed at his words.

"Hey, stop laughing I'm still better at you in writing essays"

"Okay then let's go to the library" I suggested and started driving.

"No, it's too crowded" He shook his head.

"Let's go to my house"

I shrugged my shoulders and started heading to his house.
"Want anything to drink?" He asked as I was taking my shoes off.


"Be right back" I looked up and saw his body getting further away.

I grabbed my bag and walked to his living room.

It's been a while since I came to his house, we are usually always at my house.

"Here" he handed me the cold water bottle and sat down next to me.

"What do you want help with?" He smirked as I looked at him with the corner of my eyes.

"Don't you have anything to do?" I raised my eyebrows at him and opened my laptop.

"Nope, I'm here to help if I can"

"Okay then let's get started" I typed my password and opened a new document.

"Haven't you even started?" He asked a bit surprised at the fact that this essay was supposed to be done today and I haven't even started.

"This will take some time" I got distracted by the way he bit his lips as he turned the laptop to his direction.

Focus Mina.

"Did you save it?" I nodded as I shut my laptop and stretched my arms.

"Finally" I sighed and laid back on the couch.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, you?" I cleared my throat and sat up.

"I'm starving" He rubbed his belly with a pout on his lips.

"I'll order some pizza" He got up while grabbing his phone from the coffee table.

"Don't forget the drinks this time" he nodded and walked away.

When he came back, I decided to ask him a question that has been lingering in my mind.

"Taehyung" he hummed in response and sat down next to me.

"W- when did it all start?" He gave me a confused look.

"When did you start liking me?" I cleared my throat at the awkward question I just asked.

"It's been a while, like a month or so. But I've liked you as a friend since we first met"

I nodded my head slowly as I suddenly remembered the thing I did to him.

The touching "incident" that I still never apologized for.

Thinking about it now, did I lead him on?

Or maybe made him think that I liked him?

"One more thing"

"I'm sorry for that time I did that thing the other day, I didn't mean to touch you, I don't even know why I did so, it was weird and I'm ashamed of doing it" he was confused in the beginning but immediately realized what I was talking about.

"You don't have to apologize" he muttered and smiled softly at me.

Seconds later, the doorbell rang, which meant that the food's here.

"Finally, I'm starving" Taehyung mumbled as he placed the box of pizza on the table.

We started eating quietly, it was pretty calming after all the press I've been feeling while writing that essay.

"Why aren't you eating?" Taehyung gave me a confused look after I finished my first slice.

"My appetite is gone plus it was too greasy"

He tried feeding me but I refused, I was full.

"Should I order something else?" He asked while grabbing his phone.

"No! I'm full" I snatched his phone from his hands and put it next to me.

"I'm gonna do some green tea, want some?" I asked him while standing up.

"Yeah, I need some after all this" he pointed at the empty pizza box.

I chuckled and walked to the kitchen, boiled some water, grabbed two green tea bags and put the in 2 mugs before pouring the hot water in both.

I added some honey to both of them to make it a bit sweeter.

I grabbed the two mugs and started walking back to the living room.

While I was about to turn to the left, to go to the living room, Taehyung bumps right into me as the boiling hot tea gets poured on his shirt.

He yelled in response as his eyes widened.

"You idiot!" I placed the mugs on the floor, thankfully they didn't slip from my hands.

"Fuck, get me a towel" I ran to the bathroom and grabbed the first towel I saw and ran back to him but he wasn't there.

I just left, where did he go?

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