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The very first thing I did when I woke up was to call my mom.


Because overthinking this situation will just hurt me more than I already am.

Leaving Taehyung isn't going to be easy.

Since when was leaving someone you loved easy?

But having his support helped me a lot.

I don't know why though.

Neither do I get how he could be so supportive?

Is he willing to have a long distance relationship?

I don't even know anymore.
"Hey Lena"

"Hey, long time no see, where have you been?" She gave me a quick hug as I got in, following her to her room.

"Nothing much, just a bit busy sitting home"

Lena chuckled softly as we both sat down on her bed.

"So what's up?"

"Lena, do you remember before I got in this college, my mom was trying to convince me to stay living with them and attend one near them?"

"Yeah but why are you bringing it up now?" She raised an eyebrow, looking at me weirdly.

"Because I'm doing it now"

"Huh? What? Why?"

I explained briefly everything to her as she kept on arguing back, telling me that it's going to be the same and that I don't need to do it.

"Did they force you to?"

"No Lena, what the hell? My parents would never do that, they suggested the idea and I agreed"

"and what does Taehyung think of this?" She clenched her jaw, her eyes burning with anger.

"He said that it's better if I do"

"Oh just stop" she turned her back and walked away.

Knowing where she would go, I walked to the kitchen because the first thing she does when she is mad is eat.

I chuckled as soon as I saw her stuffing her face with ice cream.


"Lena, I know how you feel and neither is it fucking easy for me to just leave either"

"Then why are you doing it?"

"I need to" I sighed and leaned against the kitchen table.

"When are you leaving?"

"In a few days"

"Already?" she growled and shoved more ice cream into her mouth.

"Listen, I'll come visit often I promise" I approached here with open arms and gave her a tight hug.

"You better"

Without You • K.THWhere stories live. Discover now