Chapter 3 "This Is My City!"

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"Do you know where the shots came from?" Boden asks Shaylynn.
"They came from the third story!" she tells him pulling her gun out of her holster.
"What are you going to do?" Boden asks her.
"Go to my SUV and get my rifle," she tells him.
"Sir! Your house is on fire and do hear that high pitch noise? That means I have Firefighters down that I need to get to!" Boden yells back at the man to keep him occupied while Shaylynn gets her rifle.
"They shouldn't have come into my house!" the man yells back.
"Sir! We have to go into a burning house to check for occupants! That's our job!" Boden yells out.
A few more shots are fired.
"I never asked you to come into my house!" the guy yells back standing at the window on the third floor.
Boden looks up at the man and sees a red dot on his chest, "Sir! Please let these other Firefighters in to get to the others!" Boden yells.
"NO!" the man yells back.
Everyone hears a POP.
Boden watches as the guy falls out of view, "GO! Proceed with caution!" he tells 109.
The Firefighters from 109 run in as more ambulances pull up along with the Intelligence Unit.
As the Intelligence Unit gets out of their cars, Shaylynn is walking across the street with her rifle case.
"Shaylynn, what did you do?" Hank yells at her.
"Stop worrying! I only shot the man in the shoulder so 109 could get inside!" she tells Hank as she notices Halstead's looking at her.
Shaylynn walks up to Boden and stands beside him, watching the house.
One by one, 109 starts to bring out the Firefighters of 51 and takes each of them to an ambulance.
Shaylynn rushes over to the ambulance Severide's been taken to, "Kelly!" she says looking down at him.

Shaylynn rushes over to the ambulance Severide's been taken to, "Kelly!" she says looking down at him

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"You can ride with us," one of the Paramedics tells her.
"Thanks! But I'll escort all of you to Med!" Shaylynn tells him.
She looks around and sees all the ambulances are being loaded up.
Quickly walking over to her SUV, Hank stops her, "Where are you going?" he asks.
"I'm escorting the ambulances to Med!" she tells him.
"We need to talk!" he tells her.
"You know where I'll be! I have to go!" Shaylynn tells him walking off.
"Shaylynn!" Hank yells out me.
Shaylynn opens the door to the SUV and gets in. She starts it up and turns on her lights and siren.
Getting in line behind her all the ambulances are ready to leave.
Shaylynn speeds off with the ambulances following her.


Arriving at Med, the ED doctors and nurses are all ready for the Firefighters.
Getting each of them out of the ambulances and into the ED Maggie yells out where they're to go.
All the Firefighters are in the ED and being looked at when the man who fired the shots is brought in.
Shaylynn is standing outside Severide's room, turns around and sees the man being rolled into the ED.
"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" she yells out walking toward him, Dr. Halstead and Dr. Rhodes get in front of her, "I SHOULD HAVE SHOT YOU IN THE HEART!" Shaylynn tells the man pushing against Dr. Halstead and Dr. Rhodes.
"Shaylynn! Stop this!" Dr. Halstead tells her.
"I will, once I get my hands on that guy!" she tells him.
"You know we can't let you do that!" Dr. Rhodes tells her.
"Just look the other way!" she tells both doctors shooting both of them glares.
"Shaylynn, stop!" Hank yells at her after walking into the ED.
Shaylynn looks at him and narrows her eyes. She turns around and walks back toward Severide's room.
Dr. Choi looks over at Shaylynn who's standing in the doorway, "That temper isn't going to help anything!" he tells her.
"This temper is what kept me alive in the Middle East!" she tells him.

After a few hours, each of the firefighters are in their rooms.
Shaylynn's sitting in a chair beside Severide with her head laying on the side of the bed.
She opens her eyes when she feels fingers going through her hair. Turning her head, she sees Severide smiling.
"Are you okay?" Shaylynn asks him standing up, "Do you want me to get the doctor?"
"I'm fine!" he tells her putting his hand out to her.
Shaylynn puts her hand onto his, he pulls her closer to him, "Sit" he tells her.
She sits down on the side of the bed, "How is everyone?" he asks her.
"Everyone was lucky! No broken bones, nothing! You all are going to be sore for awhile and have bruises, but that's it" she tells him.
"Was anyone in the house?" Severide asks her.
"Yes! An old man thought you guys were trying to rob him. He started firing shots at 109 when they arrived. From what I was told, he's in Dr. Charles' care" Shaylynn says.
"He started shooting?" Severide asks her.
"Yes! He wasn't about to let them in" Shaylynn tells him.
"Then how did we get out of there?" he asks.
"I shot him!" Shaylynn says.
"Shaylynn!" Severide says concerned.
"In the shoulder! He'll be fine!" she tells him, "What happened in there?"
"A huge safe like the one you have for your guns fell through the third story floor. Went through the second story floor where Squad was, down to the first floor where Truck was going through that floor down to the basement. Before anyone could do anything both floors gave out with all of us crashing into the basement" he tells her.
"The old man is lucky no one died!" she says.
The door to Severide's room opens, "Shaylynn, can I talk to you" Hank asks her.
"I'll be right back!" Shaylynn tells Severide, she gets up and walks out of the room.
"What is it?" she asks him.
"There's going to be hearing over what you did at the Ivory Tower," he tells her.
"You're kidding, right?!" Shaylynn questions him, "I don't work for the CPD!"
"It doesn't matter! Be there at three!" he tells her.
"Today? Why so soon?" she asks.
"Not sure! Just be there!" Hank says walking away from her.
Shaylynn looks down at her phone and sees it's almost two-thirty, "Shit!" she says under her breath.

Walking back into Severide's room, she walks up to him, "I have to be going. I have to go and talk to people about what I did" she tells him.
"Alright," Severide says to her, "Are you coming back?"
"Yes, I'll be back," Shaylynn tells him.
She bends down to kiss him on the cheek until he puts a hand behind her head and kisses her.
Standing back up she looks at him, "Shaylynn, I'm sorry!" he tells her.
"It's alright!" she says smiling, "I better go if I'm going to make it there on time."
"See you later!" Severide tells her as she walks over to the door.
Shaylynn smiles at him and walks out.


Arriving at the Ivory Tower with ten minutes to spare, Shaylynn heads to the restroom to brush her hair and freshen up her makeup.
Once she's done she leaves and walks up the receptionist and tells her why she's there.
The lady stands up and leads her down a hallway to a door. Opening it the lady pokes her head in and starts talking to someone.
"You can go in," the lady says to Shaylynn holding the door open for her.
"Thanks!' Shaylynn says walking past her.
In the room is around eight people sitting at a huge table, "Mrs. Severide, have a seat" one of the men tells her.
Shaylynn walks over to the table and pulls out a chair, "What's this all about? Am I going to need a lawyer?" she asks.
"I'm sure you already know this has to do with what happened at the latest CFD call where you shot a man," one of the men tells her.
"What was I supposed to do? Stand there and do nothing when I had the means to do something so Firehouse 109 could get in there and rescue 51? CPD wasn't around and wasn't going to be there for awhile! So you do what you have to do to me because I wouldn't do anything differently!" she tells all the men sitting at the table.
"Mrs. Severide, we're not going to do anything to you! We actually want to offer you a job! This is Brian Luce, the SWAT Commander. He heard about what you did and wants you on his team! With it being SWAT he has to go through us to give him the okay for anyone new" the man tells her.
Shaylynn's in shock, "I want to make sure I heard you right! You're offering me a job?"
"Yes!" the man says, "Since you've been working with DHS, what is your starting wage?"
Shaylynn shakes her head, "What would I be starting out at just coming into SWAT?" she asks.
The man tells her what she would be making, "That's fine! I don't do what I do for the money! I do it to protect people!"
The man looks over at Brian, he smiles "That's good enough answer for me!" Brian says, "You start tomorrow! Hank will tell you where you need to go!"
Shaylynn gives Brian a strange look, "See you tomorrow!" Brian tells her.
"Is that it?" she asks.
"That's it!" the man tells her as they all stand up from the table.
Shaylynn stands up in shock, "Stay safe out there!" the man tells her as he and the others walk out of the room.
Still in shock over what happened, she walks over to the windows and looks out over Chicago.
"This is my city!" she says to herself with a smile on her face.

Love Deserves A Second Chance, Rage In Chicago (Chicago Fire/Kelly Severide)Where stories live. Discover now