Chapter 8 "Story Of My Life"

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The next day, Shaylynn's up bright and early.
She walks to the bathroom to get dressed.

Shaylynn does her makeup then uses her curling iron to put a little wave in her hair

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Shaylynn does her makeup then uses her curling iron to put a little wave in her hair. When she's done, she puts her hair up into a high ponytail.

Walking out of the bathroom, she sits down on her bed and puts on her boots.
Making her way down the stairs she goes to the kitchen to get some breakfast.
After ten minutes Shaylynn is heading out the front door since she parked her car there instead of the garage. It was supposed to rain overnight and she wanted the rain to wash the dirt and grime off.

Walking up to her car, Shaylynn notices a woman has parked behind her and is standing by her car. She looks at Shaylynn's house, looks at Shaylynn, then looks down at her phone.
"Excuse me!" the woman says to Shaylynn.
"Can I help you?" Shaylynn asks her.
"Yeah, I was wondering if I have the right address. Does a Kelly Severide live here?" the woman asks Shaylynn.
Oh great! Another woman from Kelly's past! Shaylynn thinks to herself, "Well, he...." Shaylynn starts to say until the woman stops her.
"You must be Shaylynn!" the woman says to her.
She gives the woman a confused look, "I'm sorry but you have me at a disadvantage. How do you know me?" she asks the woman.
The woman starts walking toward Shaylynn who instantly notices the woman has a gun on her hip putting her on high alert, "It's obvious he never told you about me!" the woman says to Shaylynn as she walks over to her, "I'm Chelsea Severide, Kelly's sister."
Shaylynn can't believe what she just heard, "I was in Washington D.C. working for the FBI. I transferred here so I could come back home. I can tell by your face that you're shocked by the news."
"Yeah! I know about Katie, but why wouldn't Kelly tell me about you?" Shaylynn asks.
"No idea. Where was Katie when you found out about her?" Chelsea asks.
"She was in Chicago," Shaylynn tells her.
"That's probably the only reason you know about her because she was here. If she would have been anywhere else I'm sure he wouldn't have told you about her" she tells Shaylynn.
"And your Mother is?" Shaylynn asks.
"Jennifer. I'm Kelly's full sister" Chelsea tells her.
Shaylynn smiles, "Chelsea, it's nice to meet you! To answer your question if Kelly lives here that's a touchy subject."
Chelsea gets a look on her face, "Oh! Aren't you two married?" she asks.
"Yes, but we're working on our marriage. Things have happened in the past that we're working on getting past" Shaylynn tells her, "Since you're here, Kelly obviously doesn't know you're in Chicago does he?"
"No," Chelsea tells her.
"He's still on shift if you want to see him. Today's his last day" Shaylynn tells Chelsea.
Chelsea smiles, "Thanks! I'll stop by the Firehouse and see him after I check in at the Chicago office. Shaylynn, it was nice meeting you!" she says walking back to her car.
"Likewise!" Shaylynn tells Chelsea before she gets in her car.


It's the afternoon and Severide has noticed that Tess' Kia Soul is parked across the street. This time she's parked up further so she can see inside the stalls.
He swears it looks like she has a camera with a long lens on it pointed at the Firehouse.
As he's looking outside he hears a familiar sound, Shaylynn's car. He watches as she parks behind Tess' car bumper to bumper.
Severide looks at Tess who looks unfazed with the car that has pulled up behind her.
He watches Shaylynn get out of her car and starts walking up to Tess' car. By the look on Shaylynn's face, it looks like her day hasn't gone well.
Shaylynn looks up at the Firehouse and sees Severide looking out. She points her finger at the Kia Soul to get confirmation from him that it's the right car.
He shakes his head 'yes' and she walks up further.
When Shaylynn reaches the driver's side door, she stands there in front of Tess and her camera.
Not being able to see, Tess lowers the camera and sees Shaylynn standing there.
As Shaylynn and Tess stare at each other another car pulls in front of Tess' car.
Like Shaylynn, this car backs up right to Tess' front bumper.
Shaylynn and Tess watch who gets out of the car.
Severide is also watching and can't believe who he sees.
Chelsea gets out of her car and starts walking back to Shaylynn, "Is there a problem?" she asks Shaylynn and Tess.
Tess sees Chelsea has a gun, "Are you a cop?" she asks Chelsea.
"Sort of," Chelsea says.
"This bitch walked up on me and blocked my view so I couldn't take any pictures!" Tess tells Chelsea.
"What or who were you taking pictures of?" Chelsea asks her looking at Shaylynn.
"That gorgeous Fireman standing back there!" Tess tells Chelsea, "But like I said this bitch got in my way!"
Chelsea looks at Shaylynn and sees she's pissed! Before Chelsea can say anything, Shaylynn rips the camera out of Tess' hands, slams it down on the roof of the Soul, opens the driver's door then reaches in and grabs onto Tess' coat pulling her out of the car.
Once out, Shaylynn slams Tess onto the driver's side back door, "That's my husband you're fucking talking about and been following all over Chicago!" Shaylynn yells at Tess.
Tess now notices Shaylynn's gun that's under her coat and gets the fear of God on her face.
Tess looks over at Chelsea, "Aren't you going to do something about her?"
"By the sounds of it you've been harassing my brother! And from what I know of my sister-in-law, you don't mess around with her family and friends!" Chelsea tells Tess.
Tess looks really scared, she looks up at Shaylynn who's standing there glaring down at her.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Tess pleads with her eyes closed as she cries.
Shaylynn looks over at Chelsea, "Instead of saying you're sorry, why don't you just leave!" Chelsea tells her.
Tess opens her eyes and looks at Shaylynn who's still glaring down at her, "But you two have me blocked in!"
"Then I guess you better start walking!" Shaylynn tells her.
Tess goes to grab her camera off the roof of her car but she can't reach it.
Shaylynn grabs it, opens the little side door on the side, and takes out the SD card. She hands the camera back to Tess.
"A Sargeant Voight with the Chicago Police Department will be stopping by your house around four today to collect EVERY picture, SD card, whatever you have on my husband! If I was you I would make sure you're home because he doesn't like to make a trip for nothing!" Shaylynn tells Tess.
Tess hurries and makes her way around Shaylynn and starts walking down the street.

Both Shaylynn and Chelsea walk across the street and up the Firehouse driveway to Severide.
"She shouldn't be bothering you anymore," Shaylynn tells him.
Severide puts his arms around her, brings her closer to him and kisses her.
"Thank you!" he tells Shaylynn.
Shaylynn looks at him, "Chelsea was there also! Which reminds me, WE have some talking to do!" she tells him, "I have to be getting back to work!"
Shaylynn kisses Severide one more time and turns around, "Bye, Chelsea!" she says as she walks down the driveway to her car.
Severide looks over at Chelsea who's smiling, "YOU'RE IN TTRROOUUBBLLEE!" she says teasing around.
He looks back to Shaylynn who's driving away, "Story of my life!" he tells Chelsea.


The character of Chelsea Severide belongs to ChloeOgradyXo

Love Deserves A Second Chance, Rage In Chicago (Chicago Fire/Kelly Severide)Where stories live. Discover now