The Library

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Returning to the daily grind that was Yuuei's education system was a breath of fresh air for Momo. She felt absolutely nothing but legitimate joy to be back in her seat, being told what problems to solve by her various teachers, and actually making progress in her studies. It was almost serene and zen-like for her, despite the crushing amount of work that she needed to do. She was more than glad to do it though. It wasn't like it was a struggle. She understood it all perfectly, and it wasn't necessarily an issue, though she did need to consult previous notes at times.

To many people, a week away from school would be a gift, even if it was for something like work placement. Not so much for Momo though. She liked to keep busy, and enjoyed the challenges that her academia presented her with on a regular basis. She felt like she was actually achieving something whenever she got her answers right, and she came to learn from the silly mistakes that she made.

When it came down to a choice between what she felt she was the best at, she would always respond with her academic studies. She was aware of her intellect, and she always tried to put it to good use, never letting her mind go numb and rot by neglecting her work. She was always careful to never let her pride blind her to what she was lacking though. As such, she lacked any major ego, and was acutely aware of her flaws, and did her best to learn from them.

And flaws, she had in spades. She'd been aware of them since the Sports Festival, when everything had come to light in such a drastic and sharp way that she became amazed that she ever had been unaware of them.

Momo let out a small sigh as she thought about this, and scanned over the room. All around her were people whom were far stronger than she was, who knew the practical elements of Heroism far more than she would ever.

Sometimes she did wonder, were academics the most important aspect of being a good student? This question applied double for those who were pursuing a career in Heroism. Intelligence was valuable, no question.... But it wasn't necessarily going to be the thing that a Hero could use to put a wall between them, the Villain they fought, and the hostages the Villain had taken. Momo wouldn't ever go as far s to say that one could completely forgo intellect.... But she was surrounded by people whom seemed to possess both immeasurable power, and sufficient intelligence.

Perhaps not the most obvious case to the unaware, but the one that was the most well-known and revered throughout Class 1A was probably Midoriya. A shy, quiet boy whom had surprised everyone, time and time and time again with his intellect and practical know-how, with his persistence and his ridiculously powerful Quirk. Despite being so nervous in conversation, when he was thrown into a battle, he exhibited a cool and calm, yet incredibly strategic mind. He had total faith in himself. At least, that was how it seemed to the onlookers.

What was undeniable was that when he went into battle, he was confident, or at the very least not second guessing what he did as he did it. He had enough faith in himself to go through with a plan that he had, and had the skills to back it up. No one would be able to guess it from looking at him, but he was one of the classes universally respected students, one that everyone seemed to silently agree had the makings of a great Hero in him. The Sports Festival had cemented that idea within their minds, and it would take something even more extraordinary to change their opinion of that.

"Boop. Boop. Boop."

"M-Mina, could – Could you please stop that?"

"No. Boop."


"What? They're cute!"

"Would you two pack that the fuck in already?!" Bakugou yelled over his shoulder, and Momo could swear that she could see his pencil snap in two within his palm.

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