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Sight wasn't the first sense to return. Eyes were firmly shut, and had no intention of opening, even if consciousness had returned. Nor was touch. Even though she knew she was awake, she couldn't feel anything. It didn't panic her though. Somehow, she knew that she was still capable of touch and sensation, even if she wasn't experiencing them right now. She was numb at this moment, and her brain seemed to recognize that fact.

What came back first was hearing.

Quiet at first, the noise wasn't enough to disturb her. She didn't even really notice that it was there. What was weird was that while she could hear it, it didn't sound of anything. It was just... Something, that made her open her eyes groggily in an effort to find the source.

It took a few moments of blinking and looking around at her surroundings before Momo actually realized where in the world she was. Her head was spinning and there was a nasty pain to the side of her temple. She wanted to reach out to feel at it to see if she could determine what was wrong, but she couldn't quite feel her hands or arms like she normally could. They were still numb, after all. She was dizzy, and confused.

There was a lot of white around her, and of course, the noise. High pitched, but dampened by an almost silent ringing in her ears. Repetitive too. A slight nausea also upset her stomach. She seemed able to recognize that these effects were temporary, but that didn't make them any less uncomfortable or disorienting for the time being.

Though the thought very briefly did cross her mind, she seemed to realize that she wasn't in some kind of afterlife. So that was a good sign.

Her eyelids felt heavy, and her eyes felt dry. She was exhausted, but at the same time, was wide awake, like she was in a limbo between being awake and being asleep. It was the difference between wanting to go to sleep, and wanting to just lay down on a couch all day. Right now, neither was an option though. She wanted to know where she was. She knew she wasn't in her room, or any other room that she recognized whatsoever, and that had set off alarm bells that she wanted to cease. Her left hand rose in front of her, and her thumb and finger rubbed against an eyelid each, in an effort to wipe away the blur.

She opened her eyes again, and looked around.

Then the pieces came back.

The lodge. The attack.

This room was in a hospital.

Memories returned bit by bit and everything started to put itself back together in her mind. It took about two minutes before she had recovered every memory, and had mentally rearranged them in chronological order. She remembered the test of courage, and she remembered suddenly realizing that something was wrong. She remembered finally realizing that they were under attack, and doing what she could to help. She remembered Awase having to more or less drag her to safety.

And the tracking device she had managed to get him to fuse into the Nomu's skin. And she remembered giving that to the Pro's.

...And she remembered speaking with Kirishima yesterday.

The young woman blinked, and then looked up at the ceiling. Suddenly a lot of the pain that was in her head had evaporated away into nothingness. It didn't bother her anymore, now that she remembered it. The noise stopped bothering her as well, as she realized that it was nothing more than some sort of monitor, beeping occasionally as a part of its function. The ringing also seemed to fade away, further easing the pain in her head. She looked towards her nightstand, and at the clock that was by her side. 21:32 in the evening. Certainly no thanks to who knew what kind of medicinal drugs, she'd been sleeping for the majority of the day. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she turned her head to look up towards the ceiling again.

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