Change Of Pace

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Each day was like putting one's face to the grindstone in the Yuuei Heroics department.

All the students were living up to the motto of their school. Plus Ultra was in full swing, all day, every single day of the week. Quirk training, as always, was one topic that no one shied away from. Everyone put their all into training with their Quirks. For many, being able to actually use their Quirks as freely as they desired was one of the biggest draws to being a Hero, and subsequently to attend Yuuei.

Being able to use Quirks as much as they wanted to – That was the main reason people were here, trying to be Heroes. It didn't surprise anyone, especially not the teachers, that the most effort that the students put in was involved when they were allowed to utilize their Quirks.

Still, that wasn't the only part of their education, as much as many students wished that it was.

Like every other school in the country, they still had to pbey the national education program, involving literature, English, Maths and Science, subjects that were generally universally hated by the teenage population. Students all had different strengths and weaknesses when it came to their academia, with many of them having to go back to the subjects they had been studying back at the beginning of the year, if only to refresh their memories. For some, it was to actually, finally, get a grip on the subjects that they hadn't grasped the first time around.

For some, returning to their books was easy. For other, it was a slow, painful slog through a desert without any water.

"Uuuurgh... Can't we do, like, literally anything else? I'd rather shed my own skin than read one more freakin' flow chart."

"...Can you even shed your own skin, Tokage?"

"I'm more than willing to find out if it means I can ditch the numbers."

"Don't encourage her, Kurokiro." Itsuka said, a mild laugh present in her voice as she spoke to her pitch-black skinned classmate. "She's got to learn how to do this like the rest of us."

"Why do you hate me this way, Itsu?"

"It's called tough love."


Class 1B's president wasn't sure weather she wanted to laugh, or sight in mild irritation. It wasn't like she didn't understand Setsuna's frustration and boredom when it came to studying the academic subjects. She wasn't the biggest fan of them herself, but she understood that they had to be taught, and that they served a purpose. As the president of her class, Itsuka felt she had a duty, and an obligation to make sure that her classmates did do their studies. That included her closest friends, even if they wanted to put up a fight.

"Math, Setsuna. Focus."

"Uuuuuuugh, nooo..."

"Oh, come on. Even Tetsutetsu is trying his best." Itsuka pointed out, using her thumb to point over her shoulder to the Steel Quirk user.

Currently, he had a pencil firmly lodged between his teeth, chewing on it absently while he glared very intensely at his textbook. Anyone could have sworn that he was trying to set fire to it with his glare, though he was trying his hardest, scratching his metal-like hair with his fingers as he tried to do calculations in his mind.

"...It's like watching a mouse on a treadmill trying to figure out why it's not getting closer to the treat." Kuroiro muttered flatly, folding his arms up as he spoke.

"He's trying at least." Itsuka repeated. "Can't fault him for that."

"Never said I was." The black skinned teenager nodded, before pocketing his hands, and walking over towards Tetsutetsu, planning on talking about... Something, probably.

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