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In addition to having multiple facilities away from the main building, Yuuei also possessed plenty of on site facilities when it came to training Quirks, several of which were open to students who just wanted to go and train without needing to traverse all the way to the USJ. Getting into one wasn't even difficult in any way, shape or form. Just a quick sign in and they were good to go.

When Itsuka had offered her help to Momo, she had meant it, and hadn't wasted a single second in actually acting on her word. It had taken a bit of convincing, but Momo had quickly been persuaded to use the training facilities while they were still open for the day. Since classes had ended, and extracurricular activities were now the main focus of anyone who remained in the building, all optional rooms would also remain open. For a few hours. The absolute longest that they could stick around for would be until seven in the evening. It wouldn't take them that long to at least make a bit of progress.

Itsuka had seen Momo in her Hero costume before, and she knew that it left little to the imagination. Given the way her Quirk worked, and the requirements that it had in order to operate on a fundamental level, it didn't particularly bother her. Lots of people simply had Quirks that just did not work unless the person exposed a lot of their skin. In a way, Hero Costumes were just uniforms. Very personalized and unique uniforms that were individualized from person to person, but when thought about like just that, it helped to differentiate the feel of more risqué clothing.

So a leotard that was open straight down the middle exposing the midriff and stomach of a person wasn't really anything that Itsuka would feel awkward about.

Yet the Yuuei Sports Uniform left undone, exposing roughly the same areas, only with an added bra to cover up the taller girl's chest somehow made the orange haired girl far more aware, even if far more of her was covered up when compared to her Hero costume. Honestly, she thought that she might have felt less awkward if Momo had worn her Hero Costume.

It wasn't like it was Momo's fault, and Itsuka didn't even think of it like that at all. Her Quirk was her Quirk. She didn't have any say in the matter of what it was, how it worked, and what it did and what it's requirements were. She just had to do whatever she had to in order to make it work. That was all that it was.

Still, this didn't stop things from feeling far, far more... Different than she was expecting.

The biggest question she had was how on Earth Momo was able to move around comfortably like that.

"I wasn't even aware that this facility even existed..." Momo blinked a couple of times, glancing around the room. She hadn't been here before, since her Quirk could be improved just as much from knowledge. Physical training, though important, was never at the forefront of her mind, preferring to focus more on the intellectual side of things.

It was a fairly large room, without anything particularly unique about it. It was empty, and had a solid concrete floor, with wood around the edges for people to use as a footpath. The majority of the floor was concrete, raised up slightly, almost like a wrestling ring, only without the guardrail. A perfect, flat terrain, similar to the one that Momo had fought Tokoyami on during the Sports Festival.

"I've come here a couple times with Tetsutetsu and Tokage. There isn't any terrain or anything, so it's just down to our Quirks and how good we are at fighting." No outside forces to interfere with the fight meant that it was purely a battle of skill. It made finding out what weaknesses someone had incredibly easy. And it was a good scenario to work with too. Fights without any environmental factors to assist the Hero nor Villain both were rare, but they meant that the one with the most skill and practice would be the likely winner, so getting used to them would be useful and beneficial. "So... How do you wanna do this?"

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