Inner Feeling

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Class 1B wasn't shown in the limelight's all that often, and it had become something of a reoccurring theme in the first term they had spent at Yuuei. They always seemed to just be in the background somewhat, while all the major stuff seemed to always occur for Class 1A. At the start of the year, it was easy to feel some resentment about it. After all, they had done everything that 1A had to get into this school. They'd fought just as hard and put in just as much effort, and to feel like that wasn't recognized due to one class seemingly chosen at random to be the face of the first years.... It wasn't all that surprising that a number of students felt some resentment towards their sister class.

However, as time passed though, many of them started to see that being placed in the spotlight wasn't all that bad.

It only fully clicked with a lot of the 1B students after the Hero Killer incident, and how close Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki had all come to ended up dead. After the attack on the USJ, when the entire country was just abuzz about the survivors, so many felt just overlooked, and bitter about it, but when they started to realize the genuine dangers, and the reasons why 1A was so highlighted by the media, that resentment seemed to cool off.

There wasn't anything 'superior' about them. They were just lucky enough to be alive at this point. And resenting them for having the sheer nerve to not just die left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths. After that, the resentment just seemed like an embarrassing memory.

One that was kept alive within the current class lunatic, Monoma.

"So, the ever-superior Class 1A has so many people in the supplementary classes?! While 1B only has one! What's that all about?!" He seemed to be treating this as a personal victory over 1A. Which was amusing, given the circumstances.

"Yeah, we've only got one person in supplementary classes." Setsuna flatly stated. "And that's you, you maniac."

"And you're only there because you wanted to complete the exam 'Better than 1A'." Kamikiri added on. "And nearly cost Kendo her match." Behind him, Fukidashi's speech bubble had the kanji for 'Good Grief' in it, indicating his own exasperation.

Itsuka had been granted with the misfortune of being partnered with Monoma for their final exam's practical segment. It wasn't that he was necessarily a poor combatant, weak, or unintelligent that made him a less than ideal partner for Itsuka. Kind of the opposite – He was surprisingly intelligent, despite what his insane ramblings led many to believe. With his Copy Quirk, he had to be adaptive, analytic, creative, and quick thinking if he wanted to make the most out of a power like his. And he had honed these necessities quite well over the years of honing his Quirk. He had the capability to be an efficient combatant when he put his mind to the task.

The issue was when he didn't have his mind on the task, and instead had his mind on something else. In this instance, one-upping 1A yet again. Throughout their test, Monoma had tried to utilize the fastest way of completing the task at hand, and what he thought no one else in 1A would be able to do – And that was to fight against their opponent and defeat them, when the logical option would have been to run for one of the exits.

Of course, this had wound up with him being utterly clobbered by the opponent, meaning Itsuka had had to fight like hell to make her way to the exit on her own. The odds had been stacked against her, but a combination of feints, evasion, and clever utilization of her Quirk allowed her to somehow, beyond the belief of just about every single person in her class, most especially herself, make her escape and pass the exam. Her resourcefulness had ended up getting her a lot of praise from her classmates and her teachers both. And she certainly did feel pride in her accomplishments.

As well as irritation at Monoma for making her go through that on her own.

"But doesn't that just say it all!" The Copy Quirk user ranted on. "Even on her own, Kendo managed to be victorious, while 1A had a bunch of failures! Shown's how superi – "

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