Just what the title says :)
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*Lol please ignore my cringe on the first few stories, read the more recent ones, I promise my writing has improved*
"Have you ever gone bowling?" I asked Jimin before taking a lick of my ice cream.
"Yeah, have you?"
It was a warm Spring day and once I noticed how warm it was, Jimin and I had to have an ice cream date. Now we sat in the basically empty ice cream parlour eating ice cream.
"No." It was true, I had never went bowling, held a bowling ball, let alone know the rules of the game.
Jimin took one last spoonful of his mint chocolate chip ice cream, "Really? Well then I guess that's our next stop. But really? You haven't been bowling?"
I shook my head and bit into the cone.
"Once I teach you, we'll play a couple of games." He smiled and leaned back his chair, having it balance on its two legs while he held the table.
"Go says on me."
He laughed slightly, "I'll try."
I looked at him and he gave me a amused smile.
"So you put your thumb here." Jimins gently placed my thumb into the bowling ball, "And your two other fingers here." He moved my other two fingers and looked up at me.
"How does that feel?"
"I've never moved my hands in such an unique way.." I said quietly.
"You'll get used to it." He laughed, "Just make sure the ball is secure."
I lifted up the ball with my hand and immediately it dropped on the floor with a Big Bang.
"Woahh, be careful!" If the ball had been a bit more to the lefty it would have landed on my toe.
"You know.. maybe this isn't for me.." I bent over and carefully picked up the ball with both my hands.
"No, no. Here I'll show you how it's supposed to look." He took the bowling ball fork me with ease and backed up.
"You didn't tell me the rules." I said backing out of his way, "How do you start the game?"
"The person who bowls the ball (is that the correct term?) has to try and knock down as much of the ten pins as they can. If they do it's called a.." he walked up to the line and tossed/rolled the ball with ease.
The ball rolled in a perfect straight line, hit the middle pin and all the ten pins fell over.
"Show off.."
Jimin smiled and grabbed another bowling ball, "It's your turn." He placed my hand on the ball.
"Okay..but how do you do that foot thing?" I moved my hand out of his grasp and tried to imitate his finishing form.
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(This meme 😆)
Jimin placed the bowling ball on the ground and bent over, laughing.
"What!?" I laughed, "Isn't that how you and Jungkook do it!?"
He shook his head still laughing.
I zoned onto the middle pin.
I could do this.
I looked up at Jimin who had the same determined look on his face. After multiple tries on holding the ball, practicing my stance and learning the rules, it was finally my turn to roll the ball.
I took a deep breath and got into "ready to bowl" position.
I looked up at Jimin one last time, he gave me a reassuring smile.
With confidence I walked to the line and with all my might, threw the ball. It barely went up into the air, and slowly rolled down the lane. I'm finishing stance I watched with eagerness as the bowling ball slowly inched it's way to the pins.
It hit the middle one and all the rest of them fell over.
"Score!!!" I jumped with a fist in the air.
I turned to Jimin who had a surprised and impressed look on his face. I ran up to him and jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist.