It had been a while since I had last stepped on the scale.
I used to step on the scale all the time, at every single moment of the day when I used to have problems with food. But once I started dating my beloved boyfriend Taehyung, I basically let go.
I stepped on the scale and dreaded what the results would be. I hadn't been wearing the same clothes either. In the past I wore such skin tight clothing that I swear it restricted my blood flow sometimes, but now on a daily all I wore was jogging pants and Taehyungs shirts (which were always over sized).
The number that flashed back st me were shocking. I thought I couldn't have gained much, maximum 10 pounds.
But I was wrong.
I had gained triple the amount...
In a span of 6 months I had gained thirty pounds.
I almost screamed.
I ran a hand of frustration though my hair. How could I have possibly let myself go like this?
I felt utterly disgusted with myself.
I swung open the bathroom door and dragged myself to the couch where my boyfriend waited for me to come back and cuddle.
Instead of going back to my spot in his arms, I sat on the edge on the couch, refusing to look at him.
"Is everything alright Y/N?" Instantly he knew something was up, and he sat up.
I stayed quiet and fiddled with my bracelets. Taehyung paused the movie and turned to me.
"Y/N..." he said as he moved closer to me, "Talk to me.Whats wrong? I can fix it."
"It's nothing you can fix... It has to do with my body..." I mumbled looking down at my chubby thighs.
Taehyungs expression changed completely, "Oh I understand. I mean, you don't have to embarrassed about it, I get that it's not something you can stop from happening. Do you need me to get you anything? Chocolate? Some supplies?" Taehyung started to pat his pockets in look for his wallet.
But he had taken the sentence the wrong way, "No, it's not that..." I said which stopped him.
Taehyung tried not to get embarrassed, "What is it?"
"I'm fat." I spat, "I'm a fat pig."
Taehyung frowned, "Don't say that."
"Taehyung." You started looking up at him, "Look at my legs, my face, I don't even have waist even more! I've gained 30 pounds!"
"I haven't even noticed." Taehyung spoke softly, "Besides I like you just the way you are and that's all that matters."
"BUT LOOK AT ME! IM ALMOST DOUBLE YOUR SIZE!" I looked at Taehyungs body. Maybe. It was the fact that he worked hard a lot of the time or had a fast metabolism, but he was insanely skinny.
"No you're not. You're over exaggerating." Taehyung said as he started to get irritated.
"Y/N I don't see why you don't like how you look right now. I am loving your body. Whether a little thick or thin, You're beautiful in my eyes. Do you think I fell in love with your features? Cause I didn't. I love you whether thick or thin, in my eyes, no matter what, you're perfect Y/n. You're beautiful." He came to my side of the couch and gave me hug.
I burst out into tears.

BTS Imagines | Unedited
FanfictionJust what the title says :) UNEDITED |Requests open| *Lol please ignore my cringe on the first few stories, read the more recent ones, I promise my writing has improved*