Jungkook (Bunny! Jungkook x Reader)

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It was Easter.

One of the holidays that your little town loved to celebrate. They'd have big egg hunts in the grass field where families with children would hunt for chocolate eggs.

Usually you wouldn't go and your mom would take your little sister, but this year your mom had caught cold that had been going around.

"MOMMA I REALLY WANNA GOOO~" Aemin my little sister whined.

"Yes honey, I know." She looked at me with pleading eyes "Y/N can you please take your sister to the grass field?"

I groaned, "Mom can't he just miss it this once? You go with her every year, missing it once won't do any harm."

"Nooooo, please!" She started jumping up and down with a frown on her face, " I wanna goooo!"

She looked at me again, please she mouthed.

I signed, "Fine.."

Aemins mood changed immediately. "Yayyyy!!" She squealed jumping up and down.

"We better get going now if we want to get there on time." You said rising from your seat on the couch, heading to the front door.

Aemin giggled and out on her little piggy rubber boots.

"Mayebt his time you'll take a picture with one of the bunnies?" My mom asked. Admin had terrible fear of the people that'd dress up with the big suits and pose for pictures with the children. No one knew why.

She shook her head violently, " Please.. no.." she whispered.

My mom helpednhet zip up her jacket and pushed a hair behindnhrr ear, "I'm just paying with you love, I know you don't like them. Justbmaje sure you have fun, okay?"

My little sister nodded. Before leaving the house I took one look at my mom and she gave a wink.


I pulled into the parking lot, that was full to the brim with vehicles. I was lucky enough though to find a parkingbspot close to the dumpsters.

The grass field was full of all different families getting ready to search for chocolate eggs.

"Its about to start!!!" My sister yelled banging on the window of the backseat.

"Don't bang on the window, bang on it one more time, I'm taking you home." I really don't want to be here and if Admin was already this hyper she was bound to get out of control once the hunt began.

I got out of the car and opened her door. She said her little hand into mine and we ran (well me basically dragging her because she couldn't run fast) to the grass field.

I hoisted Admin onto my shoulders and made my way through the crowd to get a better look at the speaker.

"Omfr again I would like to say thank you for joining us this afternoon." The person in charge of the even spoke into the microphone, "But now let you've all been waiting for.. let the countdown begin!"

The crowd all counted down, " One! Two! Three!" And ran out into the field. You ran it to the direction where less people seemed to be heading. When you reached a spot you let Admin climb off your shoulders and both frantically started looking for eggs.

"I found some!" You yelled, "Where do we put them??"

"Oh mannn! We forgot to bring a bag!"

"Put them in your shirt!" You pulled out your shirt and started filling them up with chocolate eggs.

The search had ended and families went to the canteens that had been set up. There was games to play, hotdogs, cotton candy, smoothies, all the things you'd find at a fun fair.

"Big sisterrrr, I want some cotton candyyyy!" Aemin whined from on top your shoulders.

You sighed, "You already have enough sweets, we found all these chocolate eggs, that'll too much sugar." It was true, you'd filled up the whole font of your shirt with chocolate eggs.

"But pleeeeasee, momma lets me get it all time when she's here!"

This was going to be the last time you went with her to the grass field.

"Okay fine.. just let me find a bag first." You huffed and walked around looking for a stand that was selling bags, but they seemed no where to be found.

A person dressed in a bunny costumed happened to be walking by when they noticed all the chocolate you had, "My, my, someone's gonna be getting cavities." It was a masculine.

You looked at them and laughed, "More like diabetes." You could feel Aemin hug your head head closer to her. She was getting scared.

The boy in the costume laughed as well and moved his attention to your sister, "Well little munchkin, what're you gonna do with all that chocolate?"

Aemin didn't say anything and there was a long silence.

"Um.. she's shy.." you said removing her from you shoulders and placing her on the ground beside you. Immediately she hid behind your legs.

"Awe, you don't have to scared of me~" the bunny crouched down to Aemins level.

She moved more behind you.

"Come on Aemin" you moved out of the way and gently pushed her towards the bunny.

Once the bunny wrapped one of his arms around Aemin she broke out into a scream and tears ran down her cheeks, "Mommmy!!" She cried.

Your eyes widened and you crouched down to her level.

Uh oh.

"Shhh, shhh, shhh, no, no, no, it's okay." You hugged her to your chest whispering comforting words to her.

The man then removed his mask and revealed his face, that was full of concern. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry I didn't know she was that scared." He said quietly.

Even though he sweaty hair from the heat of the costume, he was drop dead gorgeous. No scratch that- a hot fire trucker 🔥 Daaaaaannngggg

"Oh um.." you were at a loss of words.

"Do you want me to get you some cotton candy?" He looked at Aemin who was still crying.

She slowly nodded her head still crying.

"I'll be back." He said before rushing into the crowd towards one of the canteens.


In the end after managing to calm down your little sister with not only cotton candy but popcorn and a slushie, you made a new friend.

He stayed for a bit after giving your sister food and you cake to learn that his name was Jungkook. He mentioned this was his first time meeting you and he's usually see Aemin with your mom.

Well, it wasn't gonna be your mom taking Aemin to the grass field next year.

Well, it wasn't gonna be your mom taking Aemin to the grass field next year

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