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Henry's POV

Today is Wednesday and it's my test. I walk into the chemistry lab during my free period.

Good morning Mr. Bryan, have a seat Mr. Jones said as soon as I entered.

Good morning Mr. Jones I said taking a seat. Surprisingly I am not the only one taking this test.

After the test.

When are we going to get our test results one short girl asked.

Before end of school day just come back okay?Mr. Jones answered and we all left the lab.

How can I wait the entire day for a test result.


I sit by my normal table with the team. I see James is missing I look up and see James with Emma and Eva. James is saying something funny and they are all listening to him attentively then the start to laugh.

Earth to Henry Dylan said snapping his fingers in my face.

You were saying? I asked them.

Well you know if you like her you have to talk to her and you are Henry you can woo any person even a guy Zack said smirking.

I don't like her I said. Why do people think I like her?

Well maybe because you keep staring at her all day Dylan said.

I can prove to you that you like her Phillip said standing up. He went towards their table.

He sat down beside Eva I could see he was flirting and my teeth was set. My fist clenched I don't know why.

After a while Phillip came back smirking.

I got her number and she is my date to the party after we kick butts on Friday Phillip whispered near me.

I don't care I tried to make my voice sound nonchalant. I have her number I tried to defend myself.

Well I am thinking after the party I can ask her for a date on Saturday then I will tell her I want to be serious with her Phillip said looking dreamily.

I don't still care. I whispered trying to convince myself.

I think she is too easy I got her number on a platter of gold Phillip said.

Don't say that I almost shouted at him.

Why? You don't like her so it shouldn't pain you if I say she is too easy to get he retorted looking at the paper.

It's just offensive to call my friend easy I said to him.

Yeah friends he snorted.

I will be going now I have to go check my chemistry test result I said standing up.

See you at practice Dylan shouted at me.

Yeah man I said walking out of the cafeteria.

As I walked out of the cafeteria I saw that Eva was staring at me. I acted nonchalantly and left. As soon as I entered the lab I saw Mr. Jones still grading the test.

Mr.  Jones is my test ready yet? I asked him.

Mr. Bryan come in okay. Yes this is your test result he said giving me a folded paper.

I smiled at him and took it out. I saw Eva waiting at the door for me.

I opened the test script and checked my grade. It was an A.

I got an A I whispered to Eva in my front. Her eyes widened and she snatched the paper from me.

Henry Xander Bryan? She asked confused. Your name is Xander?

Yeah I said snatching the paper from her.

Congratulations Xander she said smiling I knew you could do it .

Yeah thanks I answered and started walking away from her.

Are you angry with me Xander she said following me.

No I muttered and increased my pace but she matched my pace and held my hands electricity bolted through my skin I pulled out as if I had been burnt.

What is it you don't want me to call you Xander? She asked.

That's not it I said to her.

Then there something I did?  What is it please tell me she said pleading?

How can you be so lose I shouted and with that she stopped.

What do you mean she faltered.

Well, you barely know Philip and you gave him your number I said taking a step towards her.

Yes, I mean he said he needed help in maths and I thought I will tutor him she said.

I....... He said that you agreed to give him your number so you could out on a date with him I said with realization.

Even if I wanted to go out with him what is your business? It's my life I can do anything I wish. And I will even intimate the idea of going out with him now she said obviously furious now.

I am so sorry, I was angry because you barely know him and you gave him your number.

I don't understand your angry she said angrily and left me.

Why was I angry I don't understand it was just a number and Phillip was a nice guy. I don't understand I have to apologize. By the time I went to find her the bell had rand and she was no where in sight.

The rest of the day passed at practice I was angry with myself so I pushed myself hard apart from how hard coach was pushing us.

I will go see her atthe filling office.


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