The Boy In The Polka Dotted Bikini, Chapter One

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Make sure you read my blabbering at the bottom. 

Very Important, Thanks. :) 

P.S - The song is my favorite at the moment. :D 


Chapter One.

I tightened my shoe lace once more, making sure nothing was straying loose as I stood up and stretched. A yawn escaping out of my mouth before I could catch it. I shuffled downstairs and outside, not wanting to wake up the whole house hold. I put my ear plugs in and then I was off. My feet hitting the ground in a rhythmic motion, as Love like woe by The Ready Set blared threw my ear phones,

Running was something I did everyday, it was my own personal escape from my boring old world. As I ran along the beach, I imagined my own perfect world. A world where I had a mom and a dad and a few younger siblings that annoyed the hell out of me but I still loved them. That's how my perfect world would be, but realistically the closing thing I got for a father figure and a younger siblings was my twenty one year old uncle.

As I was lounging happily in my own world, I didn't look out to where I was going. Mainly because I usual didn't have too, I mean why would you have to look where you were going at seven a clock in the morning in the middle of summer. So because I wasn't looking I didn't see the person in front of me. I slammed on to the sand, hard. "Owe" I yelled, my butt landing on a rock.

"Oh, I am so sorry" a voice so rough and smooth with a hint of an accent I couldn't place said. The voice was a pretty sexy voice, but that didn't help the fact that this stupid dude couldn't watch where he was going. You would think he would move or something. "You better be, did you not see me running?" I asked, as I pushed myself off the ground. Dusting myself off, before spinning around to give this prick a piece of my mind but I stopped cold.

"I really am..." he said but trailed off as his face heated up with embarrassment. This guy right here, was the definition of gorgeous. My eyes first looked at his face, dark red hair that hung lightly over his eyes, hiding his shocking forest green eyes. His lips looking so kissable as he pursed them together. My eyes widened as they landed on a yellow polka dotted bikini top. First thing that entered my mind was, Damn he's a transvestite. I still let my gaze travel down his naturally tanned skin.

Looking at his forming eight pack, that had me drooling and aching to run a finger threw the lines that outlined his almost eight pecks. I then saw something that had a small smile slipping onto my face. He was wearing sponge bob boxers, and yellow polka dotted bikini bottoms on top of them. I giggled, and let my gaze return to those beautiful eyes. "I, Uh better you know go" he said, rubbing his face out of pure embarrassment.

"Okay then, Bye bikini boy" I giggled, and he slightly cursed under his breath as he rubbed his face. "My names not Bikini boy" he said, and I smirked.  

"Then what's your name?" I asked, and now it was his turn to smirk. 

"Yours first?" he asked, and I grinned. I lightly touched his arm, and was glad to feel the forming muscles underneath my hand. 

"My mom told me not to talk to strangers, sorry" I said and he laughed. His laugh was loud and rambunctious and had me aching to laugh along with him. I held back though, and just let my smirk grow into a full blown smirk. A beeping sound from the watch on his wrist, had him letting out a breath of relief. "Well I got to go, nice talking to you C.A.R" he said and waved a hand over his shoulder while I stood there dumfounded.

"C.A.R?" I yelled after him, and he stopped and turned around.  

"C.A.R stands for Crazy ass runner" he said, and before I could argue and say I sure as hell wasn't the crazy ass runner, he was gone and running fast towards the forest just on the edge of the beach and then he was gone. I stood there for few minutes, taking in the events that just happened. I laughed a small laugh, before plugging in my ear plugs and spinning around and sprinting home. Pushing myself to the extent.

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