The Boy In The Polka Dotted Bikini. Chapter Fourteen.

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Chapter 14

Have you ever felt like you were floating? Like you were there, but not there, somewhat like day dream. Daydreaming is usually peaceful, and happy. This daydream wasn't happy and definitely wasn't peaceful. I could hear the sirens faintly, and the screaming my best friend produced from behind me.

"Willow." Someone barely mumbled beside me, I couldn't turn my head. I couldn't even feel my head or my arms, legs, fingers, toes, and I couldn't even sense my tongue. I could feel the darkness starting to cloud my vision. I fought it, but it was stronger and before I knew it the darkness had wrapped itself around my mind and my body and I was gone.

The darkness didn't release me until I was in a bright surrounding. Moving quickly, voices seemed to scream around. Shouting orders.

"Hang on little girl!" someone said with a hint of a Southern accent. I tried opening up my mouth, to speak a simple word like "okay" but nothing would come out. That's when the pain finally hit me. My numbness disappearing and being replaced with the burning fire pain. It raced up my body, and I was finally able to produce sound. A single blood curling scream came from me, and then the tears. Crying for someone to stop the fire; stop it now.

"Shhh...." The Southern accent washed over me as something was placed over my mouth. The darkness began to creep around my senses and this time I welcomed it greedily. Hoping it would diminish the pain.

"Did you contact her parents yet, sir?" a voice said, and I immediately began to panic. Where was I? Where was my mom? What happened? I tried to think, but it only created a dull ache in my head.

"I got a hold of one of the other passengers' mother, and she said she would be able to contact her mother." The same Southern accent filled my ears, and for some reason the voice calmed down my panicking state. I felt cold hands on my wrist, and my eyes opened up slowly.

"Ah, I see Sleeping Beauty has awaken." The southern voice chuckled, and I narrowed my eyes. Trying to focus on that one voice and it also helped the ache in my head.

"Where am I?" I croaked my voice hoarse and dry.

"Sandy, could you please retrieve Miss Willow some water?" he asked, and my eyes traveled to a petite brunette with deep chocolate brown eyes. She nodded once, and gave me an encouraging grin before disappearing.

"Willow, you're in Darling Hospital. You got in a car crash," he said in that calming Southern accent. The way he said it was calming, but the way he put it had me clutching my head. The words hitting me hard, making me remember everything that happened. I could feel the recognizable aching throat, and blurry vision. As the signs of the waterfall that was about to begin, the nurse walked in with my water just before the downpour.

"Doctor, the parents are out there," she said formally, handing me the water with a caring smile.

He nodded.

"Well talk with your parents in just a moment" he said sorrowfully. Patting my leg, and motioning for the nurse to follow him out. They left the door open probably on accident, as I sipped my water.

I stared at the water in my cup, grief falling over me. I couldn't believe that my stupidity could have killed my friends. Then it hit me, my friends. Were they okay? Was Melody and Hunter hurt the worse, since they weren't wearing seatbelts and what about Caliber? Did he get hurt when the glass broke? All the images were beginning to flood my mind, and I clutched the cup in my hands.

"I wouldn't squeeze that so hard; you might spill the water all over your white night gown and this isn't no wet t-shirt contest," a voice said and I looked up sharply. My eyes connected with a pair of warm brown eyes.

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