The Boy In The Polka Dotted Bikini. Chapter. 13

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Chapter Thirteen.

I woke up with a start, complete happiness flooding my system. I was so much closer to finding Ian. I jumped out of bed, and threw on a strapless sundress and white sandals. I let my hair loose, and flung myself downstairs. No one was awake yet, so I didn't say goodbye. I walked outside, and Melody and the boys were already outside in the car. I threw my stuff into the car and slipped in back next to Caleb who smiled at me. "Where to first?" I asked, and Melody shrugged her shoulders.

"Well drive until we see a gas station. Then stock up on gas and food" Melody said and I nodded. I leaned back, and just thought about what Ian would be like when we found him. He would be ecstatic and then I would help him and he would be able to come home safe and sound with me.

Five hours into the ride, and two gas stations later I was starting to hate road tripping. Caleb and I both kept kicking each other, and then we started bickering. Melody was about to fall asleep while driving, and Hunter was already asleep. I was wide awake though. "Hey, Mel. Why don't you pull off the next exit and you and Hunter can come snuggle back here" I suggested and she shrugged. She took the next exit, and Caleb and I practically raced to our new seats. Having leg cramps and shit was not part of the deal in this road trip. So as Melody and Hunter got cuddly and warm in the back I was driving.

"Do you think we will find him?" Caleb asked, and I looked at him.

"Yeah, I know we will find him" I said with a shrug.

"What if we don't? Have you gotten yourself built up for defeat?" Caleb asked, literally worried about what I would be like if we couldn't find him. I hadn't thought of not finding him though, I was too focused in finding him to think about not finding him. "Um, No" I said slowly and he just sighed.

"Willow, I'm worried about you. This thing you have with Ian isn't healthy for you" Caleb said, and I ignored him. What did he know about Ian and mines relationship. Nothing. He didn't know squat so I turned up the music.

A few hours later sleepiness started taking over, I could barely keep my eyes open but determination clouded my vision. We were now in some town, and I was driving on the highway. Cars were all around me, and I tried focusing on the music. The music got softer, and before I knew it my eyes were closed and I fell asleep. I didn't wake up until the honking began. The minute I opened my eyes a blood curling scream erupted from with in me. As the bright headlights was all I say. I couldn't get out of the way. I tried, I tried my hardest but I couldn't. The impact was hard, as I crashed into the semi truck. My head was flung back and slammed into steering wheel and then I blanked out.

Jerry P.O.V

"Awe, I miss our kids" I said, and Candy laughed.

"Tell me about it, Melody and I have never been apart for more then a day" she said, and I laughed along with her. "Man, Social life's are what we need" she added and I sent her a look. "I do have one, with Damien member?" I said, and she rolled her eyes.

"Boning your lover is not a social life honey" she said patting my arm and I crinkled my nose. "Can you not say 'bone'" I asked, and she laughed harder.

"Jerry and Damien love to...BONE" she screeched and I threw my spoon that I was eating my ice cream with at her.

"Icky" She said and I laughed. Taking it from her and continued eating my ice cream. "Have you ever thought of talking to those one girls that were your friends again?" Candy asked, absent mildly and I shrugged. "Hmm. No" I said with a shrug.

"What about Eric?" she asked, and I froze. Eric was my best friend. I haven't seen him since his wedding, which seemed like ages ago. I shrugged, and she smiled. "You should ask Damien to ask him to go to brunch with you are something" Candy said, and I nodded. It did seem like a good idea to talk to Eric. He was my childhood best friend. I texted Damien and he agreed to contact Eric for me.

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