The Boy In The Polka Dotted Bikini, Chap. Nine.

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Sorry it's short, the next one should be longer!

Also, if you haven't already you guys should check out, justgrace, she is an awesome writer and her books are hilariously funny!


Chapter Nine.

Jerry P.O.V (Because I'm nice, and know you all have been waiting for this!)

I paced back and forth in my room, feeling like the dumbest person alive. I can't believe I made a mistake, got drunk and told Damien everything. I hoped this wasn't going to slap me in the face, I heard a timid knocking on my front door. "Jerry?" Damien's voice reached my ears. "Be down in a moment" I called, looking myself in the eyes threw the mirror. Jerry your strong. Your not weak. You can do this. I said repeatedly in my mind, before closing my eyes for a moment. I walked downstairs, and saw Damien seated on the couch. Damien, I still loved him. I had to make things right, I decided. It couldn't be up to Damien, to fix my heart. I had to fix it too, and the thing I needed to do was make up with Damien.

"Hey" I said, as I began walking down the stairs. He stood up looking worried, and scared. "What's wrong? Marty said it was urgent that I get here" he said quickly, his eyes wide with worry and laced with curiosity. "So, I hear I said some things last night" I said, sitting down on the couch. I drew circles on my knee, keep my eyes trained on that one spot. Knowing that if I looked up, I would loose my cool, and the tears would create themselves. "Um, Yeah. Very interesting things" he said, clearing his throat.

"What would you say, if I said what I said was true?" I whispered, and felt him move closer to me. His fingers wrapping delicately around my wrist, stop my circles. He pulled my hand up, and I followed it. Looking at him, he moved a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"I would say, That I am hurt that you didn't tell me" he said, and my heart dropped, "But I left you. I understand why you wouldn't want to tell me" he finished, and I gave him a shaky half smile. "I would have told you, I was scared. I didn't want to let you into our life's and then have you leave us. Hurting me is one thing, but hurting my world is another" I said, determination shining in my eyes.

"Jerry, I promise you I would never hurt you. Never, What I did was a huge mistake, and I learned from it" he promised, I could sense the sincerity in his voice.

"Damien, Please. Please don't make me regret my decision" I begged, as my lips moved closer and closer to his. "Jerry, I love you and my daughter" he tested the last word, and I saw a grin slowly spread onto his face, "I would never leave you two" he whispered against my lips. I smiled, and he crashed his lips against my lips.

Our sorrow, happiness, and longing all poured into the kiss. He pushed me back, and I fell onto the couch. His arms on either side of me, as he leaned on top of me His lips moving in sync with mine, our tongues fighting for dominance. His mouth left mine, and trailed down my neck. Earning a moan from me, as I gripped his back. "Damien" I moaned, and his lips attacked my mouth again, catching the next moaning that came from with in. What the kiss lead to, shouldn't be written.

Ian P.O.V

I was laying in bed, thinking of the girl who makes my heart race. Willow. Her soft brown curls, and her bright dazzling green eyes. Her curves, which were defined, and always looking perfect. No matter what she wore, her laugh and her love of spoons. All those things, made me ache for her by my side mentally and physically. I was thinking about her, when there was a soft knock on my bedroom door. "Yeah?" I asked, and Harley walked in. Biting her lower lip, and twirling a strand of hair. "There is a hot boy, standing on our doorstep asking for you" I was confused, I didn't have friends. Except for James, Harley, Damien, Derrek, and Willow.

"Uh, Okay?" I said, still very confused. I walked downstairs, and outside. Too see an unwanted guest leaning against a tree. He was smirking, and I wanted to punch the bastard right in the jaw. "You thought you could hide?" he asked. Raising an eyebrow.

"You need to leave" I said, my voice as cold as steel as I walked towards him.

"Well, That's not a good way to treat family, Ian" he fake chastised. I narrowed my eyes, my fist clenched with angers. "Family my ass" I growled and he smirked.

"My mom still cries you know" he said and my jaw clenched. Un-wanted images leaking into my head. "You need to leave right now" I said threw clenched teeth.

"I've been watching you, and the pretty girl. I met her" he went on trying to get under my skin, which he did with this comment. When he noticed that he did his smirk grew and my anger rose

"You stay away from" I growled and he chuckled.

"I would but you see, she needs to know what your past is" he said fake sadness leaking into his voice, and my eyes widened for only a moment with fear before going back to slits. As my glare increased. "What do you want?" I asked my teeth grinding together as I tried hard not to lunge at this bastard.

"I want you to come back to the business" he said, and I shook my head no.

"I cant go back to that shit" I said in disbelief that he would even suggest me to go back to that stuff. "Well then Willow will be horrified to know what YOU did to your parents" he sneered and my jaw clenched. "Give me time" I said, my mind clouding with decisions.

"Three days. You know, Leonardo doesn't like to wait" he said, and began to walk away. Whistling a cheerful tune, as I walked towards the steps. I sat on the steps, my head pounding with decisions. Deny it, and endanger my loves one again, or Accept and leave my loved ones. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't go to anyone. If the secret was leaked, then I would be dead and they would be dead. I hated Vance, hated everything about that dirty scum bag who couldn't be trusted. My mothers piercing screams entered my mind, as the images I tried to block slowly leaked into my mind. I was utterly confused, and didn't know who to turn too.


Again, Sorry it's short!

So, I'm not going to talk long, because I don't think you really care.

I just wanna ask one quick question....Who's your favorite character? Tell me in a comment? :)

Also....I'm thinking of writing a new story, this one would still be a main focus but Ithought it would be fun to write one more. :)

So, Here's your choice, would you guys want me to write a vampire/werewolve kind of story maybe not those kind of species but something like that or a another human one? You guys are the people who will read maybe, so I want your guys input. :D

Well, now if you like want to, you could maybe uh, you know COMMENT, VOTE, or BECOME A FAN!?!?!?

So, Yeah...PEACE OUT! xD

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