Facing Off Rarity

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*Lukas And Spike And Lluna Went Inside Of The Unicorn Pony's Keep*
Spike:you scared?
Lukas:no but, Shh!
Spike:oh good me too why would i be scared of the fire breathing Unicorn Pony and he's no where to be seen and why would i be SCARED!
Lukas:Spike 2 Words Okay:Shut Up.
Lukas:Now Go Over There And See If You And Lluna Can Find Any Stairs?
Spike:Stairs?,I Thought We Were Supposed To Be Looking For The Prince
Lukas:The Prince Will Be Up The Stairs In The Highest Room Of The Tallest Tower
Spike:What Makes You Think He'll Be There?
Lukas:I Read it In The Book Once *Puts On Goggles On His Forehead*
Spike:Good You Handle The Unicorn Pony Lluna And I'll Handle The Stairs
Lluna:*Goes Where Lukas is Going*
Spike:That's Not What Lukas Told You To Go,Llama
*Lluna Continue To Follow Prince Sonic's Sense*
Spike:Anyways I'm Spike The Dragon The Master Of All The Stairs I Am The Stairs' Master
*The Unicorn Pony Is Asleep*
Lukas:Huh?,At Least We Know Where The Prince Is In But Where's The--
*The Unicorn Pony Woke Up And He is Very Angry*
*The Unicorn Pony Is Trying To Catch Spike*
Lukas:Spike,Look Out,Ah! *Dodged Unicorn Pony's Magic Blast*
Unicorn Pony:You Get Back Here You Little Trespassers!
*The Unicorn Pony Is About To Eat Spike,Until He Felt His Tail Being Pulled*
*Unicorn Pony Move His Tail And Lukas Fell Off*
Lukas:Ah!,Whoa Whoa Whoa Ahhh!*Crash Landed In Prince Sonic's Room*
Spike:*Running Away But There Was a Magic Blast Behind Him*
Unicorn Pony:*Uses His Tail And Breaks The Other Side Of The Stone Bridge Spike Is On* Victory is Mine....Again!
Spike:Ah,What Large Teeth You Have
Unicorn Pony:Grr!
Spike:I Mean White Sparkling Teeth I Mean You Probably Get This From You're Foods But Do I Have a Hint Of Minty Freshness And You Know What Else--
*The Unicorn Pony Showed His Eyes Are Actually a GIRL Unicorn Pony Eyes*
Spike:a Girl Unicorn Pony I Mean Of Course You Are a Girl Unicorn Pony And You Just Bleach it And--What's The Matter With You You Got Something in Your Eye?
*The Unicorn Pony Blowed a Little Heart Shape On Spike*
Spike:Ewwoohh Man I Love To Stay And Talk Uni--
Rarity:My Name's Rarity,Little Dragon
Spike:Rarity,Hehe *Turns Around* LUKAS,LLUNA!
Rarity:*Uses Her Magic* Oh Spikey-Wikey You Are Staying Here With Me
Spike:Ah,No Lukas,Lluna,Lukas,Lluna!

Part 9 Ended.

Lukas ("Shrek") [Jesskas Version]Where stories live. Discover now