Spike Discover The Prince's Secret

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*Timeskip To Night Time And Lukas Is Still Sitting Where The Flowers Are,Lluna is Sleeping In The Bathroom And Spike Went Inside To Talk To Prince Sonic The Boom Hedgehog*
Spike:Prince....Prince Sonic
*Spike Wonders Around The Cottage That Prince Sonic And Lluna Are Sleeping In*
Spike:Prince Where Are You?
*The Bats Flew By The Rooftop*
*Suddenly Up There Was a Man Walking Thru The Wood Thing*
Spike:*Gasp* It's Very Spooky in Here We Aren't Playing The Games
*The Man Walks Thru The Wood Thing Until It Broke And He Fell*
*Spike Sees Him Only He Didn't Look Like Prince Sonic The Boom Hedgehog He Look Like a White Human With A White Shirt Held Up With Red Suspenders With a Blue Pants And Grey And Had Brown Hair*
Man:No No
Spike:Oh No Help!
Lluna:*Grunts* (Ugh!,What's Going On In H--Oh Uh Hi Spike Hehe)
Man:Shh!,It's Okay
Spike:What Did You Do To Prince!
Man:Spikey-Wikey Shh!,It's Me In This Body
Spike:Oh My God You've Eat The Prince! *Talks To His Stomach* Prince Can You Hear Me?!
Spike:*Still Talking To His Stomach* Don't Worry Prince Just Keep Breathing I'm Going To Get You Out Of There
Spike:Lukas!,Lukas!,Luk--*Mouth Gets Covered By The Man*
Man:This is Me
*Spike Was Still Scared Until He Saw His Green Eyes Meaning That The Man Was Actually Prince Sonic The Boom Hedgehog*
Spike:Prince You Look....Uh Different?
Prince Sonic:I'm Ugly Okay!
Spike:Was It Something You Eat Because I Told Lukas That Those Weedrat Was a Bad Idea And I Was Right
Prince Sonic:No It's Not That I've Been This Way As Long As I Could Remember
Spike:What Do You Mean I Mean I Have Never Seen You As a Human With a White Shirt Held Up With Red Suspenders With a Blue Pants And Grey Shoes Before
Prince Sonic:This Only Happens When The Sun Goes Down "By Night One Way And a Day Another There Should Be a Roam Until You Find True Love's First Kiss And Takes Love's True Form"
Spike:Aw,That's Beautiful I Didn't Know You Wrote a Poetry,Sonic
Prince Sonic:It's a Spell!,Well Actually My Real Name is Jesse,Sonic is My Middle Name Well Used To Be Prince Sonic Jesse The Boom Hedgehog,When I Was a Little Boy a Witch Cast a Spell On Me,Every Night I Become This.....This Horrible Ugly Beast *Smacks His Hand On The Water*
Lluna:*Grunts* (I Knew About The Human Doing Ogre Stuff Curse Before You And His Real Name,If He Marries My Owner Then His Name Will Stay As Prince Sonic The Boom Hedgehog)
*Spike Shakes Out The Water On Him*
Prince Jesse:I Was Placed In The Tower To Waited The Day I Will Be Rescued That's Why I Have To Marry Lordness Stella Tomorrow Before Sunset And She Sees Me Like This *Sobs*
Spike:Aright,Alright Let's Not Go All Crying About it Your Not That Ugly....Okay I'm Not Going To Lie Your Are That Ugly Okay But You Only Look Like This At Night And Lukas is Ugly 247
Prince Jesse:But Spike I'm a Prince This is Not How A Prince Should Look
Spike:Calm Down....Hey How About You Don't Marry Lordness Stella Tomorrow
Prince Jesse:I Have To Only My True Love's First Kiss Can Break The Spell
Spike:But You Know.....You're Kinda An Human Doing Ogre Stuff And Lukas....Well You Got a Lot In Common
Prince Jesse:Lukas?
*Meanwhile Outside Of The Cottage,Lukas is Talking To Himself*
Lukas:Prince Hi,Um How It Going First Of All,Good? Good For Me Too Um,I Saw This Flower From Over There And Well It's Pretty,But I Don't Like it But it Made Me Think Of You But I Like You Anyways.....I'm Gay Okay Here We Go
*Lukas Heads To The Cottage Door But He Heard Them Talking Which He Mistakenly Thought Their Talking About Him*
Prince Jesse:look at me,spike Who Could Love An Ugly Human Doing Ogre Stuff Beast And Love And Ugly Don't Go Together And Neither Is Guy Love Guy I'm Straight,My Only Chance Is To Marry My True Love,That's The Way It Has To Be,Spike
*Lukas Felt His Heart Broke Into Pieces,He Was Very Angry,He Threw The Rose He Was Holding And Left*
*Back Inside Of The Cottage*
Prince Jesse:It's The Only Way To Break The Spell
Spike:But You Gotta Least Tell Lukas The Truth Because He Did Lie To You Of His Name And Gender
Prince Jesse:No No One Must Know About This Promised Me That You Won't Tell Anyone
Spike:What's The Point Of Talking If You Have To Keep Secrets
Prince Jesse:Promised,Promised!?
Spike:Alright,Alright I Won't Tell.....But You Should
Prince Jesse:I Will
Spike:When This is All Over Lluna Better Tell Me Everything Before I Found Out,Look At My Eye Twitching *Eye Twitching*
Lluna:*Grunts* (I Should Keep An Eye On Him In Case If He Tries To Tell Lukas) *Leaves To Watch Spike*
*Spike & Lluna Left The Cottage*
Prince Jesse:A-a Rose? *Picks Up The Rose* Hmm,I Wonder Who Left It? *Closes The Cottage Door*
*Spike Went To Bed,Same Thing With Lluna*

Part 19 Ended.

Cast So Far In This Movie:

Lukas As Shrek
Mane 7 As The Angry Mobs
Guards As Themselves
Ponies And The Fairytale Creatures As Fairytale Creatures
Peter Pan (Shrek) As Himself
Tinkerbell (Shrek) As Herself
Olivia,Otto,Binta As The Three Pigs (Shrek)
Scootaloo As Baby Bear (Shrek)
The CMC As The Three Blind Mice
Sunset Shimmer And Fluttershy (EG) As Pinocchio (Shrek)
Amy Rose (Sonic X) As The Big Bad Wolf (Shrek)
Twilight Sparkle (Unicorn Pony) As Donkey's Old Owner
Spike The Dragon As Donkey
Stella As Lord Farquaad
Sonic The Hedgehog (Sonic X) As Thelonius
Tails (Sonic X) As Gingy
Rainbow Dash As The Magic Mirror (Shrek)
Tails (Sonic Boom) As Cinderella (Shrek)
Princess Twilight Sparkle (Alicorn Pony) As Snow White (Shrek)
Sonic The Hedgehog (Sonic Boom) As Princess Fiona (Human)
Rarity As Dragon
Petra Light (I Think Of Her As My OC) As Monsieur Hood
The Blaze Rods (Aiden,Maya,Gill) As Monsieur Hood's Merry Mens
The Flys As Themselves
The Frog As Itself
The Rattle Snake As Itself
M. Jesse As Princess Fiona (Ogre)
Lluna As Herself (Or Lord Farquaad's Pet?)
Man With The Farquaad Mask As Himself

Lukas ("Shrek") [Jesskas Version]Where stories live. Discover now