The beach (part 2)

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Here's part two mkbutprinxiety ! Hope you like it! Also I forgot to specify that this is a Human AU!

Roman watched his long time crush essentially running away from them, guilt raising up inside him, making his throat close up and worry show on his face.
"What-what happened?" Asked Thomas.
"Why is he mad at us? What did you do? Why does he have those scars? WHAT HAPPENED?" Patton said frenetically, panic clear in his voice. Logan just stayed silent, watching the whole scene, but if you really knew him, you could tell he was worried.
"I'm gonna go talk to him. Maybe it's better if you guys start packing" Roman told them, already walking in the same direction Virgil had vanished.
They all nodded and began doing what they were told to, worried about their friend.
After almost five minutes of walking the fanciful persona finally found his crush, angrily throwing rocks in the water while warm tears streamed down his face. Roman watched the whole scene from a few feet away. After he saw Virgil sitting down, his head on his knees, sobbing softly, he finally got enough courage to sit down next to him.
"I'm sorry" he muttered. Virgil head shot up looking at him with wide eyes.
"I-I shouldn't have done that, it was just a joke and not a fun one. I'm sorry." His eyes were trained down on his fidgeting hands and his cheeks burned in embarrassment.
Silence fell between them.
"That's not why I'm upset." Virgil said, eyes turned to the sea. "Well, at least not the main reason."
"Then what is it?" Roman asked confused, looking at his crush as he looked up to the sky, swollowing back the tears.
"By doing what you did... Y-you made do something that I was not ready to do. You made me show my scars when I didn't want to" He explained, without looking at the fanciful one.
Roman's lips were in the shape of an 'o', his eyes wide in surprise and realisation.
"You really think we will think about you differently if we saw your scars?" He asked in disbelief. Virgil nodded slightly.
"But it doesn't matter if you have scars Virgil" He saw Virgil clenching his fists at that.
"Yes it does." He retorted through gritted teeth.
"No it doesn't because-" Roman tried to say but was immediately interrupted by his crush.
"YES IT DOES BECAUSE THEY'RE DISGUSTING!" He screamed taking off his shirt in a moment of anger, but regretting a second later. The fanciful one was staring at him and his scarred chest with wide eyes before blushing and looking elsewhere. "See? You can't even look at me now" Virgil said with a bitter laugh, tears still streaming down his cheeks.
Roman took it as a challenge and stared at his crush, blushing like crazy, but still looking at every inch of exposed skin, scarred or not. On his chest, tummy and partly on his arms there were large burn scars that made his skin look almost translucent and uneven; it looked like it was stretched too thin and it creased with every movement of is body, looking just like the water when the wind decides to caress its surface.
Roman really couldn't see how Virgil could think that those scars changed something about what they thought about him. He was beautiful nonetheless, and it wasn't like those would change his personality. They were just scars.
"Virgil listen to me: Patton, Thomas, Logan and I are your friends. Your scars won't change that." Roman said seriously, looking at Virgil but unable to meet his gaze.
"Don't feel like you have to be my friend just because you pity me. If you don't wanna be my friend after seeing what I really look like and what I've been hiding from you, I understand." Virgil said while drying his cheeks, eyes insisting on looking at the sand.
Roman groaned internally, not believing what he was about to say. He didn't want to confess his love for him like that. 'Oh fuck it!'
"You're right I don't wanna be your friend," Roman said, watching for a second as the eyes of the darker persona became once again glossy with tears.
"I wanna be much, much more than that. And I've been wanting that for a long fucking time, but I didn't even know if you cared about me, I didn't even know if I was worth giving a damn about, that's why I did what I did, Virgil. Everyone of us gets insecure, every one of us has flaws, everyone, no exemptions there. We just have to realise that we are not our insecurities. We have to realise that our flaws aren't what defines us." Roman looked away from the horizon to look straight in the dark chocolate pools that were Virgil's eyes. "And to be honest with you, I don't give a single flying fuck about your scars. They don't change who you are and they don't lessen your beauty. They help to make others see how strong you are. I don't care how you got them, if you defeated the cruelest of all the dragon witches or if you just trip and fell, knocking over a cup of boiling tea, all I see is someone who's still here after whatever they went through. You're beautiful Virgil, with or without scars." Tears we're now able to fall down his cheeks, but they were now tears of joy. They looked at each other for what felt like forever, before Virgil finally threw himself at Roman hugging him and burning his face into his shoulder.
They separated and looking into his crush's hazel eyes, the anxious man tried to say the words he had wished to hear back for years now.
"I-I l-like- oh fuck it!" He exclaimed too nervous to be able to finish the sentence. He quickly leaned in and kissed the man in front of him.
Roman was shocked but returned the kiss almost immediately.
After that, they just stood there in each other's arms, enjoying each other's company.
"We should probably go back, the other's gonna be worries about us." Roman said, running his hand through Virgil's hair.
The man in his arms groaned but got to his feet and slipped his hoodie on, knowing he was right.
As soon as they got back, Virgil was almost tackled to the ground by Patton running and throwing his arms around him full force.
"My dark strange son, I'm so happy you're okay! I'm sorry for what ever we did, but if you dare to walk away like that one more time, you're gonna face dad's rage" he said almost in tears.
"Patton I'm not your son, but okay" the man in his arms said still not hugging him back.
"Shut your ever flapping gub talker and hug me back you doofus" the dad like character exclaimed, embracing him even tighter.
Virgil did as he said and after dad he received another hug from Thomas and, surprisingly enough, even one from Logan.
He explained the reason why he ran away while they got to the car and began driving back home.
They were all silent for a while, Virgil had his ad Roman's shoulder, Thomas was looking out of the window, Logan was driving and Patton was looking at his hands pondering if what he was about to ask was too much or not. He shook his head deciding it was okay.
"Virgil?" He called hesitantly. He only received a soft 'mhm?' In response letting him know that the dark clothed man was listening to him.
"You don't have to answer, but I was just curious about did you get those scars?" Roman felt Virgil froze in his arms, so he took his hands trying to ease his nerves. He too was curious about the answer, just like every one else in the car.
The man who the question was directed to took a deep breath before he began telling his story: "W-when I was sixteen my parents died in a house fire. I was somehow able to get out in time, but when I saw that I was the only one I immediately got back inside, trying to find them. I didn't even get past the entrance that a flame got to my shirt, setting it on fire. Fortunately by the time paramedics got there the burn wasn't enough to kill me, but it left with this horrible scars and no family." By the time he finished he was crying, the others were silent not knowing what to say.
"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked, I'm sorry" Patton apologised, not knowing what else to do.
Virgil smiled through the tears looking at every one of them and stopping on Patton.
"Don't worry dad. I have a whole new family now."

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