First Kiss - Roceit but really is mostly Platonic Prinxiety

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"Roman are you sure about this? I don't like him one bit." Virgil asked as he walked through town with his best friend.

"Virgil, I already told you it's fine, he is not that bad. Plus it's not like we're gonna be alone, other people are gonna be there."

The emo guy stuffed his hands into his hoodie pockets, watching as Roman skipped happily in front of him. They were going to meet up with some of the flamboyant guy's friend and he did not like them.

Especially Kayad. That boy had been flirting with his best friend for a week now, and he knew how fast Roman fell for anyone who gave him attention. He also knew, though, that this particular guy had flirted with every single guy in the group before resorting to Princey after everyone else rejected him. And Virgil didn't trust him. At all.

"Come on Emo Nightmare! They're down there!"

Roman broke out into a small run to get to the two guys who were sitting on a bench. One of them was tall, with black framed glasses, a blue polo and a cardigan wrapped around his shoulders; he had one of the brightest smile Virgil had ever seen and looked like the type of person who would never get mad. The other guy was Kayad: tall, thin and with a perpetual smirk on his face.

"Hey guys!" Roman greeted, giggling as the guy in front of him jokingly offered him a tip of the hat he was wearing.

"Hey kiddo! Who's your friend?" The cheery guy asked, subtly gesturing towards Virgil who was glaring at them.

"Oh, that's my best friend Virgil! Virgil, this is Patton!"

The emo guy couldn't suppress a small smile as Patton happily waved towards him; he was way too precious, it was impossible to act bad in any way around him. How a guy like him could be friend with an asshole like Kayad completely baffled him.

"Virgil, long time no see." The guy beside him said, making Virgil's eyes turn towards him, immediately noticing his and Roman's hands intertwined, which made him roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Yeah and I honestly would have preferred it if it stayed that way." He hissed back.

They walked around for the rest of the night, just chatting with each other and getting to know one another better. Every once in a while Virgil would make sure to steal his best friend back from the flirty asshole, throwing warning glares towards him, trying to silently tell him to back off. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

Just as they were about to head to a bar to get something to drink, Kayad fell into steps with him, making Virgil groan as both of them looked at the other two chatting happily in front of them.

"So," the guy started in a low voice, ignoring the other's annoyance, "do you know if Roman has ever kissed anyone?"

This immediately caught Virgil's attention, who shot him a dirty look.

"What makes you think I would tell you anything about my best friend's private love life?" He spat back annoyed, only making the other laugh in an obnoxiously smug way.

"I'll take that as a no." There was a moment of silence before Kayad slightly leaned towards Virgil, completely ignoring the dirty look he shot him.

"Does that mean I'll get to be his first kiss?" He whispered slyly, a pleased smirk on his lips, "What an honor."

The emo guy just stared at him for a few seconds, his eyebrow raised and his arms folded, before raising his pointer finger telling him to wait. Then with a determined look on his face he started to quickly make his way towards his best friend.

Once he was right behind him, Virgil grabbed him by the shoulders, making him turn towards him, before kissing Roman right on the lips, his eyes never leaving Kayad's.

He could feel his best friend tense up and he could just imagine his eyes widen in surprise, just to relax a second later, slightly attempting to kiss back.

They kept the kid going only for a few seconds before Virgil pulled away and walked back towards a stunned and furious Kayad, leaving behind an astonished Roman.

Then, putting a hand on the guy's shoulder, he got on his tippy-toes, slightly leaning towards his ear.

"No." He whispered smirking. "The honor is all mine."

Believe it or not I did not come up with this story, this is actually the story of how my first kiss ever went. This actually happened. And the guy was actually an asshole, my best friend was completely and utterly right.

I have like so many stories I could tell using my best friends lol maybe I will. Also the guy in this story is the reason why fell into a hole 13 feet deep. and no, I'm not talking metaphorically.

Anyway, it's 5 am, I'm still reeling about the new sanders sides and I'm about to fall asleep, so enjoy this one shot and let me know what you think!


Ali c:

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