◆01◆ Diamond flower

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Michiyo asked Toma again and again if he will be fine taking care of her without any female friends' assistant but Toma insisted he will be fine and that he was more than capable of taking care of others. 

"I used to babysit you and Shin a lot. Don't underestimate the power of a sibling-less older brother." Toma laughed. 

Michiyo laughed at how he put a lot of emphasis on the fact he didn't have siblings. "Well, since you're so enthusiastic about helping me, here's one task for you now: I want to have a bath." 

"I'll run it for you. Wait here and watch- ah." 

"Hm?" She cocked her head like a lost puppy. What was he about to say to her?

"I'll just run you a bath." 'For a second I nearly told her to wait and watch TV. What kind of insensitive thing was I thinking?! That's like giving an amputee a jump rope!' 

'I wonder what Toma-oniichan was about to say. Watch what? I can't see.' Michiyo thought to herself.

Michiyo was waiting by the tea table. She shifted her knees on the cushion so she could be a little comfortable. She didn't dare to put her elbows on the table in case she knocked anything over for him to clean up. She wondered if this was the first time for her to be in his apartment before her accident. Did she come here often? She heard from him that they were were childhood friends along with another boy called Shin, who was a year below her.  'I wonder if that Shin guy will drop by...' She still couldn't remember a thing, it's as if everything was deleted the moment she woke up. How did she end up receiving a trauma to the head? "My head hurts..." The more she tried to search for empty answers, the more dizzy she felt. It's as if something in her head was preventing her from finding what was missing. She felt as if something very important was missing...

"Michiyo, bath time." 

"Eh? Yes!" She got up and she searched for him. She nearly bumped into him when he walked out of the bathroom. 

"Woah! Sorry! Here, let me turn you around." He swapped places with her so she's now in the bathroom. He slowly guide her to where the tub was and he also showed her where to put the clothes. "If you feel this basket, throw your clothes and lingerie in, okay? And if you feel here, your fresh pajamas are here." 

But Michiyo didn't really pay attention because she was blushing at his gentleness and thoughtfulness. Was he really just an older brother figure to her? The things he's doing made it seem so but couldn't it be more...?

"Did you get that?" 

"Hm, I got it." She lied, but she will figure it out herself. 

"Okay, I'll be outside doing my report. If you need anything, just give me a shout." 

Toma left her alone in the bathroom. She didn't lock the door for obvious reasons and she took her clothes off so she could get in. She relaxed in the tub, sighing out of comfort. 'Ah! I got it! Maybe I can try and picture what I look like if I touch my face and my body!' She giggled at the fact that she was such a genius to come up with that. 

Outside, Toma was focusing on his report. As a law student, there's so much to remember here and there. He wondered if he should be a defense attorney or a prosecutor. 'I've never lost an argument against Shin or her before. Then again, I might do well as a defense attorney too; I always win when Shin's being an asshole to her.' There's so much decisions to be made...what should he choose? He smiled tenderly when he closed his eyes to remember a precious piece of memory...

"You...you...as-as-asss-asss...kuud?" The correct way to say it in English was 'You asked.' She was reading a book in English story book even though she's in High School. Toma suggested her to read simple story books just so she could improve but it seemed to have the opposite effect right now, a very comical one! 

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