◆09◆ Elegy of despair

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She might look like Michiyo right now, but she's not her. No, she's not Michiyo...she's Sakura Ranfa. The pink haired twin with pink hair and a heart shaped birthmark on her inner left thigh.

She touched the metal bars of the cage she was forced to be in and she looked at Toma's back from where she sat. Toma was sitting on the floor, typing away on his report. 

Ranfa woke up this morning to find herself in the cage. Toma said it was to make sure she wouldn't wander into his study room or do anything like escaping him. The truth was in this apartment and outside. Ikki had parts of the truth and the key to another apartment had the answer too. Ranfa just wanted to know what happened to Michiyo, but he was not going to give her a single answer.

The cage was made to cage in a huge dog. Everything was metallic and cold to the touch, and it's very uncomfortable no matter which side she tried to sleep in. Toma said something about putting in a futon for her, but he hadn't got round to that yet.

"Toma." Toma ignored her. Ranfa clenched one of the bars, "Toma-oniichan." 

"Did you want something, Michiyo?" 

"...I know you heard me the first time." She's ignored if she called him in the incorrect way. He didn't want her to be Ranfa, he wanted her to be Michiyo and only Michiyo, no one else. It hurts Ranfa to know Toma was nice to Michiyo but not her. "Let me out." 

"...I can't." 

"Why can't you? And what are you keeping me here for? Toma!" 

"It's Toma-oniichan. Michiyo, stop forgetting how you call me-" 

"I'm not Michiyo!" She screamed at him because she knew who she was. She's not about to let him change her into someone she's not because she's got a strong sense of self. 

"...your amnesia is jumbling your mind." 

"You're such a bastard." 

"Language." Toma acted like a father scolding a very unruly daughter right now. 

Ranfa hated it and she laid on the hardness of the cage and turned her back to him, "You'll make me hate you if you keep this up." 

"I'm already prepared for that." His back was facing her, but his sad smile was facing away from her. At the same time, he was unable to see the sad look on her face...

He gave her no escape route. Even when she needed to have a bath or the toilet, he will cuff one hand to him. It was humiliating to know she was living the life of a prisoner with someone whom she felt the safest with. When he gave her food, he will always make sure to cuff one hand to the cage before opening the cage for her. He never let her out, he couldn't risk her fighting him for escape.

"...did you kill her?" She had asked him this many times. After seeing a pair of scissors with blood stains on it, it's hard for her not to think that. "Toma!" She shook the bars again and again to the point she made the cage tumble over once. 

"You're like a honey badger right now. But as long as you're in here, I have no need to fear you." He gently returned the cage to its original position, "Stop thinking you can escape this cage, it's much more stronger than you." 

"I'm asking you one last time, Toma...did you kill Michiyo?" She's hurt, but she still wanted answers. 

"What difference does it make if I give you an answer? Either way, I have no intentions of setting you free." Toma crawled to the cage and sat in front of it, he looked at her with an icy cold eyes that's devoid of kindness he had for her. "Ah, you're right. She just won't become mine. Even though Shin is such an asshole to her most of the time, she refused to look my way. Perhaps I have been using your amnesia all this time? Perhaps I made you into the her who will look only at me?"

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