◆02◆ Toma and Michiyo

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"Home sweet home, Michiyo." Toma opened the door for her and took her into the apartment. "Well? What do you think?" 

Michiyo looked around her room and she thought it was nice and cozy for one person to live in. She did find it a little odd she had a lot of anime related things inside of a glass cupboard. They were all notably very good looking. She looked at Toma and he just chuckled.

"You're quite an otaku. You know?" 

"I really am..." 

He opened the glass, "You are. This guy here is your current favorite." He was about to touch a basketball anime character that had a dark blue uniform with a 4 on it. The character figure was noticeably wearing long black socks. 

"Ah! Don't touch! You'll get fingerprints on him!" Michiyo cried. Toma sweatdropped at the fact she said 'him' instead of 'it'.

"Okay, okay." The moment he closed the glass door to the figures, he was forced to back away because she was backing him away from it. Right now, she reminded him of a mother cat that's putting on a battle formation to protect their young.

"Don't touch." Michiyo stood in front of him, trying to muster an angry look but it ended up looking like an utterly adorable pout. 

"I'll touch you instead." Toma patted her head, "Come on, are you going to stay mad at me for your figures?" 

She puffed her cheeks up and then she smiled happily, "I'll forgive you if you cook dinner~." 

"You just enjoy free meals, huh?" 

"Not just any meals, it depends who's cooking it." 

Toma smiled and he ruffled her hair some more. "I got it. I'll go and do grocery shopping for you too. Stay here and wait for me, okay?" 

"Hm, have a safe trip." 

When she's left on her own accords, she decided to do some exploring. Her bedroom and living room was one whole room, the kitchen's in another room, the bathroom and toilet were together in another room. She seemed to live alone even before her memory loss. Even though she was told she had moved here recently, it still felt foreign to her somehow. Maybe it's her memory loss acting up?

Michiyo looked around her place, trying to search for clues to learn more about the her before the memory loss. Toma said she's an otaku, but she felt nothing for the other figures, only the one Toma tried to touch that she felt a strong feeling for. She wondered why that was...

"Eh?" In between a line of books, there was a small envelope with a cherry blossom sticker on it. She felt something was inside it and she took out another apartment key and a letter that came with it. 


When you receive this letter, it means I forgive you for losing my apartment key. You need to stop losing the spare keys to my place, do you know how much it costs me to hire a locksmith to change the lock? You need to stop losing things like that. 
Listen carefully, under no circumstances should you attach this key to your keyrings, okay? I'll be mad at you if you lose this one.


There was no name on it at the end, only a flower. What's that supposed to mean?

'Who is ✿?' She looked at the key and attached to the keyring was a small tag with an address on it. 'This isn't Toma's apartment. So whose key is this?' 

She searched between the gaps of her other books to see if there's any more letter from ✿. She couldn't find anything other than the letter she and key. 

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