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(Guys, while I do heavily appreciate people enjoying this story, I have to say, I don't have the luxury of sitting all day writing. I do things, I go outside, I have other responsibilities as well. I can't update as frequently as I did when I first got on here, So just be patient


Like I said, I love the support, but sending me messages, asking for another update guys, give me time. I'm not a robot, I have other things going on and life is really happening to me right now. I will update when I can and when I have the most freedom. This story is just about done though, and I have another in the works. Hopefully you guys like that one too.

|Now that we got that cleared, hope you guys enjoy the chapter.

|Family Tingz.


"Good morning mami"

Sighing to myself, before dropping my head down, I then quickly lifted it back up, shaking my head.

"Mornin mami...come on, say good morning mommy"

Steady picking with my oatmeal filled with various fruits, I finally decided to drop my fork, before looking up at the camera with my stale face.

"See, look atcha mommy, she so  beautiful...everyday. I told yall" Rocky chuckled, now going down to my twenty four week belly.

He'd been recording me for the past two in a half weeks, in a series of various videos for both Kodiy and Kayne to see once they got older. In a nutshell, he'd pretty much been following me around, everywhere, that damn camera in my face. This morning was no different. I'd managed to slide from under Rocky's grip and downstairs for about five minutes, before he came trailing behind, his left eye already focused on the lens.

These past two weeks living in the same roof with Rocky again was quite bitter sweet. He'd given me my space as have I. We have zero problems, we're laughing more, enjoying the others company more, and truly appreciating one another. It felt like how it was when we first began dating a year in a half ago.

It felt pretty fucking good.

At this point, performing was over,and maternity wear was in. After penning a very nice message to fans about taking a brief hiatus due to personal and health reasons via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, I've been pretty much cooped up. Not one to be let down, of course I was still writing and recording everyday. That was one thing that wouldn't stop. I was confident that by the next two months, I'd probably have my first 'official' album fully complete.

Now I didn't want to do this hiatus thing, but per request of doctor Jill, she insisted that I did. Now at the end of my second trimester mark, in four days I will be in my third, which was pretty cool. I'm big as a house already, at least I feel like it. My belly is huge, I now weigh one hundred and forty nine pounds, and my breasts are huge. I still felt very beautiful though, and pretty, mostly thanks to Rocky.

He never ever lets a morning, afternoon, mid-afternoon or night go by without letting me know so. He was also looking more and more scrumptious to me for some odd reason. Maybe it was hormones, or the fact that we weren't together anymore. I don't know, but to see him standing before me right now, in a beater, and gray shorts, his glorious beef stick was just....there.

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