Part 10

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(Day Later)

 "Gillian, Gill, Gillian, babe, love, Gill... wake up!" I heard, I open my eyes to Liam laying beside me trying to shake me awake. I yawn and try to stretch. 

"Liam, go away. Let me sleep." I say turing over. I pull a pillow over my head. Liam trys to tug it away.

"Oh no you don't birthday girl. Don't make me go get Louis." I sigh and turn back over to face Liam.

"You wouldn't." Liam cracks a huge smile and runs out of the room. 

"Liam!" I yell from my bed, which is now a death bed. I try to fall back asleep. It didn't work. At all.

"I give you 10 seconds Lott, or we're getting a bucket."

"Go ahead, Tomlinson. Payne won't let you."

Louis Laughs. "It was his idea!" I shoot up out of bed. I walk up to Louis and grab him by the shirt collar. 

"Where is the boy?" I say.

"In Niall's room."

"I'll be back." I say in the Terminator accent. I find Liam with Niall and Faith. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" screams Faith. I roll my eyes. Someone comes from behind and wraps their arm's around me. It's not Liam.

"Happy birthday, baby Gillian!" I push Harry off of me.

"Harry! I haven't even said happy birthday to her, and you guys are all over her!" Liam says throwing his arms up. He comes over to me and pulls me into a big hug. He kisses me forehead.

"Happy birthday love!" 

"Thanks babe." I say as he pulls me closer. 

"Oh, get a room!" Louis yells. Zayn comes in the room. 

"Is it impossible to get sleep?" 

"Uh oh, you woke up the monster!" laughed Harry. Faith got up and came towards Liam and I. She grabbed my wrist.

"I'm stealing her!" she says with a wink pulling me down the hall. Faith slams the door behind us. 

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" she whisper yells pulling me into a bear hug.

"Thanks, but I need to breath." she lets go and starts to laugh. We both flop down on our beds.

"You and Niall are to cute Faithers!" she smiles and rolls her eyes.

"It feels like a dream!" 

"Only because you would message me every night saying 'I'M FOREVER ALONE!'". Faith burst out in laughter from my over dramaticness. 

"You're weird."


"Looks like fame never changed you, again, you're weird but I love you." 


 They boys had this great idea to take me out for a late lunch. The show's in four ours. Liam and I are walking hand in hand down the boardwalk. I had a big smile plastered on my face. I loved holding his hand. It made me feel like I was protected. It was pretty great to be able to hold his hand with the world around. Honestly, I don't care if anyone finds out anymore!

 "Liaaaaam! My feet hurt! Are we there yet?" I complin. Liam sighs, then he laughs.

"We're almost there." 

"Liaaaam," calls Niall. "I'm hungry!"

"I don't care Niall." I start to giggle. Liam cares about me more than Niam! 

"Oh, poor Niall." says Louis in a girly voice. I start to laugh even more.

"Guys, cut it out before you kill her. Niall, you'll live." snaps Faith. I laugh so hard I start to choke on my hair.

"Hey, you alright?" asks Zayn from behind. I nod, trying to catch my breath. 


 For our 'lunch' we went to a small diner down the road from the hotel. Liam promised me tonight after the concert he'd find me a cupcake some where. 

"Okay, who stole my mic?" I say running around backstage like some crazed idiot. Liam grabs me from behind.

"Looking for this?" he says with a wink. He hands me my mic. It's all bedazzled with blue crystals. My name goes down the side in purple.

"Liam, I have been looking everywhere for this!" 

"You're not mad at me are you?" he says with his puppy dog face. Who couldn't resist the face and the big brown eyes. I take my mic from Liam and head off to sound check. He starts to walk down the hall.

"Liam wait!" I say running after him. I grab my arms around him and kiss him. 

"Aren't you supposed to be out there?" he says referring to the stage. His arms get stronger around my waist.

"I was but I never said thank you." I say kissing him again. He kisses my forehead and shoves me away.

"Go." I stick my tongue out at him and walk away.

"You owe me my cupcake!" I say as I walk away laughing.


"Did you 5 honestly have to get the crowd to sing Happy Birthday to me?" I say as we all walk down the stairs. Liam had my hand.

"Well, baby Gillian's 16 now. Of course we had to!" says Louis. Harry and Zayn start to laugh.

"Sorry Gill, we had to." chimes Niall. 

"Liam, I want my cupcake." Liam smiles and nods.


(At the cupcake shop)

 I stare at the glass case before me. Cupcakes are everywhere. I am in love with cupcakes. We usually have them on the bus, but I'm getting fresh cupcakes.

"You look like you've never seen so many before." says Liam.

"Because I haven't! I'm from Canada, a small town. Give me a break!" Liam laughs and puts his arms around my shoulders.

"Okay, we're gonna get a box of 12, and you can pick the flavors!" says Liam. 

"This is why I love you." I end up picking 4 chocolate, 2 vanilla, 2 mint-chip and 2 red velvet. We walk back to the hotel hand in hand. Liam heads straight to his room with the bag the lady put the box in.

"Liam! Give me my cupcakes!" I run after him. I slam the door and pretty much tackle him. He starts to poke my hips.

"Liam! Stop!" 

"Haha, never!" He flips me over so he's on top of me. I reach the box which he set on the floor. I manage to grab a cupcake. I take it in my hand ready to use it as a weapon.

"You wouldn't Lott." with a wink I smash it in his his face. He scrunches up his nose and takes a little bit of frosting off his face and puts it on mine. He reaches over me and pulls a cupcake out of the box.

"Payne, no." 

"To late." The cupcake's all over me. 

"It's on." I escape from his grip and grab one out of the box. Without him looking another cupcake's all over his face. This time it's mint-chip. He catches me before I can run to the other side of the room. One hand is on my waist the other is holding a cupcake. He's about to rub it on me when I manage to flip it in his direction.

"You're pretty." I say looking at him. Liam has cupcake all over his arms and face.

"Yeah, so are you." he laughs, kissing my nose.

"You taste good!" he says trying to lick my cheek.


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