Part 12

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  • Dedicated to To my Grandfather, I miss you so much. <3

 (Gill's POV)

All 8 of us decied to go to the hotel pool. The guys, Faith and Eleanor made it down there before me. I didn't really care, it meant I got time to myself. I walk over to my suit case which is set on the bench thing near the closet. I walk over and without noticing I trip over something. I fall forward, my head's throbing and everything goes dark. 


"Gillian? Gill? Babe? Gillian? Gill?" I hear multiple people say at the same time.

"Guys, back up. Give her room." a familiar voice says. I open my eyes and see faces I know.

"What happened?" I say rubbing my forehead. Liam sits down beside me. My heads in his lap.

"Well, I came up to check on you because you were taking so long and I found you on the floor passed out." 

"I think I tripped over something." 

"Yeah, we all think the tv remote. Niall left it on the floor." Liam says giving him a dirty look. I move my hand to touch my head.

"Oh, no you don't!" Liam says before I can touch it. 

"Why not?" 

"You cut your head, not bad thankfully." 

"Will I be able to sing tonight?"

"Probably." says Paul. I try to touch my head again.

"Gillian." I roll my eyes and try to sit up. Liam helps me. 

"Thanks." I say. Everyone leaves the room but Liam, Faith and Niall. We all hang around watching tv until we have to go to the arena. It seems like every 5 minutes Liam asks me if I'm okay.

"Is your head hurting?" he asks for the 15th time.

"Liam, I love you but shut up." Niall snickers. Faith drags him out of the room. I snuggle up to Liam. I rest my head on his chest. In a few hours I'd be prancing around on stage in my Chucks and a dress. 

"Are you feeling okay?" he says playing with my turn. I sit up and turn to face him. I kiss him to shut him up.

"Liam, I'm fine." 

"Well, okay then." he says with a wink. I start to giggle a little.

"You're adorable." I start to blush.

"And when you blush it's even cuter." he says kissing my forehead. I wrap my arms around him and try to dose off. I end up doing so, I sleep for about three hours. I wake up to Liam sleeping, his arms still around me. 

I move out of his strong grip and go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror. The 'small' cut looks like a pretty deep gash. I must have smacked myself on the coffee table when I fell. Tears start to fall down my cheek. I fall against the wall. 

"Gillian? Are you okay?" Liam says, sounding sleepy." 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lie, wiping away the tears.

"No your not." he says helping me up. He brings me over to the bed and sits me down.

"What's wrong?"

"I could have died when I hit my head." 

"What do you mean?" Liam asks sounding worried. I look around the light brown room and sigh. Memories of my grandfathers death are flooding back. 

"Babe, you can tell me." 

"Well, I guess if you wanna hear a long sad story." 

"I'm all ears." says Liam, pulling me into a hug. Just thinking about it made me upset. When I was about 8 my grandfather hit his head off his nightstand. It sounds weird, I know but that's what happened. A huge gash in his head formed and he lost a lot of blood from his head. I was so young that I couldn't remember every detail. He ended up in the hospital and passed away a few days later. I was so devastated. I didn't know him as well as I would have liked to.

"That's what happened." I say wiping that last tear from my tear blurred eyes.

"I'm so sorry babe."

"I could have died Liam."

"I would have never let that happen." he says kissing the tip of my nose. 

"Thank you." I say with a slight smile.


 I grab my bag from the computer desk. Liam waits for me. He takes my hand and we head downstairs to meet everyone in the lobby.  

"We're you crying, Gill?" asks Eleanor rushing to my side. I nod and Liam looks at her, telling her to just leave it for later. We head to the arena. I honestly couldn't tell someone where we were. 3 weeks until Canada I think to myself.

 I walk into the hair and make-up room.

"Hey Lou!" I say setting my bag on the velvet couch by the door.

"Hey Love!" says Lou, with excitement facing the large mirror. She turns around.

"Oh my, what happened?!" she asks examining my forehead.

"Um, I kinda tripped over the tv remote and hit my head on the coffee table in front of me." Lou's trying to not laugh.

"Not funny."

"Oh, I know. I'm just thinking about how much Liam bugged you." I crack a smile.

She grabs my arms and sits me in the chair. She takes out foundation and power and whatever else she has.

"We're gonna me you a pretty girl again, not that you already aren't!" I roll my eyes and take out my phone. I take a picture of Lou and I and post it to twitter.

"Smile!" I say. Lou sticks her tongue out.

"@GillLottxox: Oh, look, hanging with @louteasdale , like my cut on my head? It still hurts ahah! :P xx"

 Lou finishes applying what seems like 16 pounds on make-up on my face I grab my lucky jean jacket and find Liam.

"Oh, here comes Gillian!" says Harry moving. I have the sudden urge to smack him. I roll my eyes and walk past him.

"Where's Liam?" I ask Niall, who's holding food, as always. He points towards his dressing room. Without knocking I just walk in. I find him passed out on the couch. I roll my eyes and slowly walk over to him. I'm about to wake him up when he grabs me by the waist and kisses me.

"Aha, you're gonna get lip gloss all over you!" I say. He starts to tickle me.

"Li-Liam! Le-let g-go of me!" I yell. He makes a monkey face which makes me laugh even harder. He finally lets go, giving me one last kiss on my nose.

"Sorry, I couldn't resit." he says with a wink. I get up, fixing my dress. 

"I just wanted to say good luck, not be tackled by a teddy bear!" 

"Are you mad?"


"You look mad!" 

"I'm not mad."

"You're cute when your mad!" 

"Oh, well I must be getting freaking adorable." I say getting up. I stick my tongue out at Liam and I walk out of the door. Liam messed up my hair and I'm trying to fix it.

"Oh, looks like Gill and Liam got rowdy!" Zayn and Niall scream together. I ignore them and walk past.

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