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Louis wakes up and feels his arms wrapped around someone. He opens his eyes and sees Harry. "Morning Hazza." "Morning Lou, have a good sleep?" "Yeah, You?" "Great sleep with you." 
"Why?" "you're warm." Louis giggles and smiles. "Thanks." "Let's get up." Louis and Harry get
up and Louis makes his way to his bedroom. He changes into a pretty skirt and white, waist cut tank-top and necklace. "Lou, can I come in?" 'Yeah." Harry comes in and looks at Louis. "What?"
"You look cute." Louis blushes. "Thanks, now leave, I'm not done." "There's more?" "Little more." Harry leaves and waits for Louis. Louis looks in his mirror and makeup bag.

 He's never done it. He didn't even wear makeup for his date. He sits down, does his eyes, and looks at himself. They're not bad. He actually thinks they're really pretty and it makes his eyes pop. "Lou?" "Yeah?" "You almost done?" "Just finished." "Let me see." "I only did this for you." "Really?" "Yeah, not even Zayn got this for our date." "Am I special?" "Yes, you are special." "Show me." Louis opens the door and looks at Harry. "You like it?" Harry looks at Louis' shoes, skirt, shirt, necklace, then his eyes. "You like it Hazza?" Harry smiles and nods. "I really like it." Louis smiles and hugs Harry.

 "Oh, Lou, some of my friends are coming over." Louis tenses and looks at what he's wearing. Harry immediately knows what it is. "You don't have to change, my friends won't mind." "W-will Zayn be t-there?" "Don't know, he never got back to me." They hear a knock and Harry opens the door. "Hey, H." "Hey, guys." They walk in the flat and see Louis on his laptop. Louis looks up to see Zayn. "Louis." Louis ignores him and continues to type. "wearing that outfit for Harry?" Louis clenches his fists and shakes his head, clearing his mind. "I mean, you must really like him if you wear those short skirts." Harry hears Zayn talking and goes to the kitchen where they are and listens. 

"I mean, you didn't wear makeup for our date, but you'll wear it around Harry." Zayn walks over to Louis and closes the laptop. "How about we finish what we started?" Harry waits to see what Louis says. "oh, fuck off Zayn, the date was a mistake." Louis slides off the chair and walks to the living room where more of Harry's friends are. "You must be Louis." "Yeah, Hi." "I'm Niall and this is Liam." "Nice to meet you." "What happened with Zayn?" "We went on a date and it ended badly." "oh." Harry goes back to them and sits beside Louis. Liam and Niall don't bring up Zayn or Louis' outfit the whole time and Louis actually really happy. "Bye guys, see you again." "Bye H, Bye Louis!" "Bye." Harry closes the door and turns to Louis. 

"How'd you like them?" "They're nice." "How was Zayn?" "Same as always, saying that I only wear makeup for you or how I wear short skirts around you, everything he says has something to do with you." Harry wraps an arm around Louis. "Whatever he says is fine, ignore it." Louis smiles and wraps an arm around his waist. Louis feels cramps in his abdomen and winces. "What's wrong?" "Nothing...." Harry gives Louis a hug with one arm and lets go. Louis makes his way to his bedroom and looks for his medicine. He notices that the container's empty.  Louis groans and goes to the living room. "Hazza?" "Yeah?" "Where's the heating pad?" "In the bathroom., why, you only need it once a month right?" "Yeah." Harry hears how painful his voice sounds. 

"Lou?" He hears groans and goes to Louis to see him. "Lou?" "Yeah?" "Is it at that time?" "yeah." "poor baby has cramps." Harry kneels on the ground and rubs his tummy. "Feel better?" "yeah." "Hungry?" "not really." Harry continues to rub his tummy and Louis falls asleep. Harry gets up and grabs the remote. Harry goes to Louis' room and grabs the makeup remover wipes. Harry knows Louis hates sleeping with makeup on. He's complained once when he wasn't wearing any. Harry takes a wipe and goes back to Louis. "Lou?" "Hmm?" "Get up, you have makeup on." "Can you take it off, m'tired." "Sure." Louis smiles and lays on his back. Harry wipes away the eyeshadow and makes sure there's none left. 

"You're done." "Carry me?" Harry smiles fondly at that and picks him up.  His hands are behind Louis' neck and under his knees. "Hazza?" "Yeah?" "Find the heating pad." "I will."  Harry carries Louis to his bed and lays him down. "Get changed." Louis nods and gets up. Harry goes to the bathroom and finds the heating pad. He goes back and finds Louis in lacy panties and immediately shuts his eyes. "Hazza?" "Yeah?" "You didn't knock." "I know." "Hold on." Louis walks to his closet and takes out one of Harry's jumpers that he 'borrowed' and puts it on. "open your eyes." Harry opens his eyes and hands him the heating pad. "C-can I spend t-the night in y-your room?"

 Harry nods and motions him to come. Louis grabs the heating pad and makes his way to his bedroom. Louis' lived here for 10 almost 11 months with Harry and hasn't seen his room once. Harry opens the door and Louis walks in behind him. "Get comfortable." Louis nods and lays on the bed with the heating pad. Harry plugs it in and grabs some clothes. "Can you close your eyes?" Louis closes his eyes and feels the warmth of the pad. Harry changes and lays beside Louis. "Night Lou." Louis smiles and cuddles into Harry's side. Harry covers their bodies and wraps an arm around Louis' waist. "Sleep well, hope the cramps go away." "I hope too." Louis turns so his back is against Harry. Harry rubs his tummy and hums to him. "Goodnight Louis." "Night Hazza."

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