~you bring out the beast in me~

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Vic's P.O.V

I got to the new house and oh boy it was amazing. 2 bedrooms, one for us and one for the baby. While I was out I heard an old band I used to love called Copeland, that's an original name. I'll speak to Kellin about it.

Anyway, there was 2 bedrooms and plenty of living space, like a kitchen, bathroom. There was even a pool, it was great and I knew Kellin loved it so I handed in the money and I left with the keys. We had one week to sort our things out.

I text Kellin and let him know I'd be home in 5. I cannot wait to see the baby. Our baby. I pulled into the driveway and went inside, the sight I saw was absolutely beautiful. Kellin was on the couch holding the baby, it was adorable. I could get used to this.

He looked up at me "Vic, we need to chose a name for her, something unique and original?" I smiled. "I have a name in mind, I heard them sing today on the radio?" I told him about the song and he responded. "Wait, I was listening to that in the baby shop, that's the name I was thinking of! Copeland!" I was in shock. We had thought of the same name. It was meant to be.

"Copeland it is then". Little Coco, that's what I'll call her.
"Kelz we need to get packing and buy baby things" I said. "I've already bought this baby seat/carrier so she'll have to sleep in this for now?" I agreed.

I took over looking after Coco for now while Kellin went to make food. He also got milk for coco. Luckily her already bought baby milk for his mum. I needed to phone my mum aswell. After feeding Coco I put her to sleep in her baby seat and left Kellin to the tv. I got out my phone and dialed Vivian (my mum).

Vivian- hello? Victor darling!
Vic- hiya mum, I'm sorry I didn't phone yesterday.
Vivian- don't worry you told us about the engagement the day before yesterday, what else is there to say?
Vic- uhm well...
Vivian- OH yeah!! How's Kellin's mum? You know after you left to go to the hospital?
Vic- that's what I want to tell you, she didn't survive...
Vivian- oh my! I'm so sorry, please give Kellin my love! Did the baby uh...
Vic- yeah she's great, me and Vic are uhm moving in together and looking after her ourself so I'll be down tomorrow to get my things?
Vivian- oh uh yes! That's great! I'm so happy for you Victor! Do you have a name for the little one?
Vic- yeah we've decided on Copeland, we call her Coco or Cope.
Vivian- fantastic! So beautiful! Wil I see the three of you tomorrow?
Vic- of course! I love you mom.
Vivian- I love you too Victor!

I hung up and walked back into the lounge and saw Kellin asleep with cope in his arms. I picked her up and put her back in her seat and carried her into our room, putting her on the floor at the bottom of the bed. Going back to carry Kellin into bed. Kissing his forehead and then falling asleep in bed next to him.

They say that love is forever- Kellic (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now