~the way that we are~

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May 10th

Vic's P.O.V

Today was the day that Kellins friends from Florida were flying in. Justin, Jack and Gabe. They're staying with us until a week after the wedding. Should be amazing. I've planned for Kellin to go out all day while I go pick them up from the airport. When I researched it said the flight will be approximately 4 hours and 48 minutes long! Florida is 3 hours ahead of us so the time difference isn't too bad. So their flight was at 9am which means here it would have been 6am? Which means they'll arrive here at 10:48 with all the time differences! I'll be at the right gate for 10:30 anyway.

I kissed kellin goodbye and decided id take cope with me. Kellin thought I was going to go to the park while he went with the girls to the shops. The girls knew what was happening so I'd made sure to tell them that kellin can't be home before 11! I said I'd text them when I was home so that they knew when it was safe to bring Kellin home.

I got to the gates at 10:30 and decided to chill with cope. Cope is just about starting to walk, not on her own though, she can sort of take steps if I hold her hand but she an stand if I hold her hands. That's her favourite thing right now. She's my angel, I can't believe how much I love her.

After what seems like ages, I saw groups of people coming through the gates. I picked up cope and looked out for the three boys. Soon enough there they were. I shouted out "JUSTIN!!" He turned and so did the others! All running up to me and hugging me watching out for cope. I smiled at them and they all smiled back.

Vic- I'm vic, this is Copeland but we call her cope.

Justin- great to meet you vic! I'm Justin and this is Gabe and Jack.

Gabe- hey man!

Jack- sup!

Vic- great to meet you too!

Justin- is Cope your sister or something?

Vic- well, kellins mum had a baby, but kellins mum died and this is the baby, little cope. We've raised her as our own. On me and vics wedding day it's also her first birthday.

Justin- damn that's sweet, can I hold her?

Vic- yeah of course, cope this is Justin, can you say Justin?

Cope- jas jas!

Justin- close enough cope!

We handed cope around the boys and they all had their nicknames. Justin was "jas jas", Gabe was "gab" and Jack was "Ja" absolutely adorable if you ask me. I text Hayley.

To: Hayley!

From: Vic

Hey, we're just leaving the airport now so I'd say we'll be back for 10:55?x

To: Vic

From- Hayley

Yeah that's fine, hurry up though he's getting bored and keeps mentioning going home, I'll be there for 11!x

They say that love is forever- Kellic (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now