Part 1

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Although I knew I shouldn't be, I was nervous. I wanted to tell Rhys, but... well there were a few things that made me hesitate.

I didn't know how to tell him—would I get a baby shirt from one of the stores in Velaris and give it to him?

I didn't know when to tell him—would I tell him at dinner with our family—the Inner Circle? Would I wait until we were alone? Going to bed? Take him out for a walk? Whenever I did it, it had to be soon.

Would he even be happy? I knew he would be ecstatic to have a child...but was he ready for that? It had been five and a half years since the war against Hybern. But did he want a child yet?

I was pulled back to the streets of Velaris when Rhysand's voice filtered into my mind, Feyre?

Yes, my love? I replied taking my eyes off the river and looking up at him.

What are you thinking? He leaned against the railing on the bridge over the Sidra looking down at me and stretching his wings in the sunlight.

That you're so damn tall I might have to shift into someone taller just so I can be eye level with you. I smirked.

He chuckled and said, Don't be ridiculous. You could borrow a pair of Mor's high heels. He took a step forward to close the space between us. Or you could buy some from that little shop right next to our favorite—he was purring the words now—shop across the Sidra that sells those wonderful little lacy underthings.

He folded his wings to form a cocoon around us and put his face in the crook of my neck. The sensation of his warm breath caressing my skin heated my blood. I tilted my head a bit more to give him better access and bit my lip.

Or, he continued, I could always get on my knees for you. I know how much you just love that. We wouldn't be eye level, but something tells me you wouldn't mind. He brushed his nose along my jaw.

I closed my eyes and hummed, "Hmmm...Well." Before I forgot how to think I had to tell him about our plans for the evening. I put my finger to his chest and pushed him back enough for me to see the silent protest in his eyes. "I actually have a surprise for you." His eyes brightened. "But you have to wait until tonight."

He squinted his eyes as if he were hunting through his memories. "Did I forget something?" I was shaking my head before he finished asking. "Then why—?" I cut him off by putting my finger to his lips.

"Can't I get my mate something for no other reason than because I love you?"

He was silent for a moment. When he spoke again, he didn't bother speaking around my finger and simply spoke to my mind.

I won't tell you what you can and can't do, but I will tell you that you didn't have to get me anything. You've already given me enough. Seeing that I was going to protest, he framed my face with his hands. Your love is enough. My throat tightened around the protest as he continued, Your kisses are enough. Your hugs are enough. Your smile is enough. Your laugh is enough. The way you brows furrow and you bite your lip when you concentrate. The way your eyes squint when you laugh. The way your wings flutter when your frustrated. And twist your fingers together when your nervous. The way you see me... Darling, your very existence is enough.

He brushed away the tear I hadn't realized was slipping down my cheek. I love you. He kissed my damp cheeks. Then my forehead. My nose. My eyelids. My mate, he whispered into my mind, sliding his hands from my face and wrapping his arms around me.

Now—he looked down at me—before you started seducing with talk of getting me on my knees... I pinched him. He grinned. I was going to ask you what was wrong. I guess I'll just ask now. What is wrong, Feyre darling? He asked this with genuine concern.

I was just wondering how I would present your surprise to you. I smiled faintly as I leaned my head on his shoulder and looked up at him. He pressed another kiss to my forehead. Let's go home. I need Mor's help with something.

What? Getting heels?

No, I'd rather you just get on your knees.

A wolfish grin was his only response.


This is my first fanfic so please forgive me if I am bad at this. :)

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