Part 3

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Three days ago

I lurched out of my sleep when I felt the burn of bile in the back of my throat. I didn't make it to the bathing room before I lost a chunk of my dinner onto floor of Rhys and my bedroom. I did, however, make it to the bathing room to lose the rest of my dinner. Rhys awoke immediately and was holding my hair out of my face and rubbing my back before I could hurl a third time.

Feyre, what's wrong? Are you alright? Did you have a nightmare? His voice was laced with concern.

I shook my head. I'll be fine. It was probably just something I ate.

My mate sat with me until nothing was left in my stomach to throw up. I sighed and leaned into him with my eyes closed. I felt him wipe the tears from my face and press a damp cloth to my mouth to clean up whatever had stuck to my lips.

Thank you, I said, too tired to manage more than a murmur.

Of course, my darling. It's what I'm here for. He put his lips to my temple in a comforting kiss.

Sorry for waking you, I muttered readying myself to stand.

He beat me to it and lifted me off the floor. He carried me over to the sink so that I could wash out my mouth.

Don't be. Like I said it's what I'm here for.

Crap. The mess—

Already cleaned up.

You're amazing, I sighed.

I know, he said with a cocky grin.

Oh no, I said sarcastically. Did I just make your enormous ego bigger?

Well, I won't say no. But I will say that your sisters, Mor, and Amren will know who was the cause of any said ego growth.

I chuckled. When my mouth and face were clean, my mate carried me into the bedroom and gently laid me back down on the bed. With a wave of his hand, an empty bucket was on the floor next to my side of the bed.

"Just in case," he said, kissing my brow.

He walked around the bed and laid down beside me, pulling me in close to his chest. I rolled so I could see his face. With my head on his arm, I gazed into his beautiful star flecked eyes and the promises of the dreams that would come true within them. I stared into his eyes until my own drooped closed with exhaustion. He kissed my cheek, wrapped his wing around us and pulled me closer to his bare chest where he held me all through the night.

The next morning, when I awoke, I smelled something buttery, something fruity, and something meaty. I sat up instantly and found that my mate had brought me pancakes, a small bowl of fruit, and some bacon. He sat on the blankets and, like the night before, hadn't bothered to put on pants. Not that it really bothered me; I didn't bother with putting clothes on either. He had his own tray of food in front of him filled with the same foods, except his had more bacon. He raised a piece of the meat to his lips, but, upon seeing me awake, lowered it and smiled at me.

"Good morning, Feyre darling," he greeted me.

"What did you dream about last night?" I asked worriedly; he usually only did these things to get his mind off whatever he dreamed about.

"Nothing actually." When I raised my eyebrow, he continued. "I figured after you lost your dinner in the bathroom and on our floor, you might be extra hungry."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I think my dream... I don't know. It was really confusing. As are all dreams, of course. But I think it might have had something to do with Az and Cass getting drunk..." He grinned at me while I laughed.. "But I don't remember."

"Okay. I am starving, so thank you."

"Are you sure you can keep it down? I would hate for you to throw up on me," he said with smirk.

"Hardy har. Give me my food." I reached for my plate

After I devoured everything on my plate, I reached over and stole a piece of bacon from Rhys.

"Are you going to pay for that?" he asked while I ate the delicious piece of meat.

"Maybe later." I winked at him with a smirk.

"Maybe now." He snapped his fingers and the empty plates and utensils vanished. He tackled me backwards on the bed and I laughed.

"Want a bite?" I held up the small remnants of the bacon.

"Oh, yes please." But instead of taking the bacon, he lowered his head to my neck and nibbled on me, making me giggle. "Hmm, delicious."

"I meant, do you want the last bite of bacon, but if you don't want it..."

Of course he did, so he snached it from my fingers with his teeth.

"Good, but not as delicious." He lowered his head to my neck again.


Sorry I forgot to post last Wednesday

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