Part 10

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After several minutes, Rhysand loosened his hold and grinned up at me. Such excitement shown on his face that I couldn't help the matching grin that spread over my lips.

"Let's go fly," he said.

I chuckled. "Let me change first and I'll meet you on the roof in... five minutes?"

"Okay." He raced out the door as if he had too much energy to walk at a slower pace.

I turned to the bed and put the baby items back in the gift bag I had gotten them in before quickly changing into thick leggings and a long sleeve shirt—the panels on the back allowing the wings I had let spread from my back to fit comfortably.

I reached the roof in time to see my mate do a flip. When he saw me, he jogged over, grabbed me up in a hug and spun us around in a circle.

"What took you so long?" he asked as he set me back down.

"It only took five minutes," I laughed.

"Oh," he said. "It felt longer than that. Now, let's go. I need to fly."

"Are you high on excitement?" I asked.

"Yes! Now let's go."

"Alright, lead the way." I gestured with my arm towards the sky.

He grinned, then charged to the edge of the roof and threw himself off and into the sky. I smiled as I watched him lift up high into the sky and do flips as he waited for me to join him. After a couple moments, I spread my wings and joined my mate as I flew into the night.

"Come on, slowpoke," he said as he flew faster and farther into the night.

I laughed again and tried to catch up. Thankfully, he slowed down. He flew above me at first, then below me, then above me again. It took a moment to realize his circling me was his own little dance, but when a noticed, I joined him. We went high and low before soaring higher. I followed his lead knowing he was going slower for me. He whooped loudly into the night from time to time.

Eventually, we reached a mountain, and I slowed before landing in a clearing in the trees. It was a brisk night and I shivered as I tried to catch my breath. Yawning, I perched on a rock with my wings wrapped around me. Now that I was no longer flying, the adrenaline was starting to fade and exhaustion made my eyes droop slightly. Rhys circled above me a few times before he, too, landed. He panted a bit as he strolled over to me.

I smiled and raised a brow at him. "Having a good time?"

Both of his brows shot up at my question. "A good time? Feyre, tonight is one of the most amazing nights in all of my life. I will remember tonight for all of eternity. Because tonight I have been told by my mate, the love of my life and reason for existence, that I will have a child—the child I have dreamed of having for years—in nine months."

"Technically, it's closer to eight months. He's about five weeks and five days now." I yawned again.

"Eight months! Even better," he said. "I'm going to be a father... wow... That sure gives you something to think about, doesn't it?" He knelt before me and looked up into my face. "Are you feeling alright? I know it was a long flight and I don't know if you're supposed to be doing that much exercise. Is exercising bad for you now? If it is, we can winnow back now. Or are you not supposed to winnow anymore? I can fly you—"

"I'm fine, my love. I'm just tired. We can go see Rosieda tomorrow. She can answer your questions better than I can. As for right now though," I yawned, "let's go home."

"You look like you're about to fall asleep," he remarked.

"I'm fine." I waved a hand and stood.

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