Part 9

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While we ate, Rhys's leg kept bouncing under the table. Eventually, I reached over and gripped him high up on his thigh. He stopped immediately, startled by my sudden touch, and looked up at me guiltily. I leaned over and kissed his cheek, smearing the sauce from the meat I was eating onto his face. Still leaning over, I wiped it off his face before sitting back and licking it off my finger.

I smiled sweetly as I stood and grabbed my empty plate. I leaned down, leaving my cleavage on display, and held out a hand for his plate. "Done?" I asked.

He snapped his fingers and the plates and utensils were cleared. I chuckled and grabbed my cider. He had offered wine, but I had simply said I preferred the cider. He'd given me a strange look, knowing I had grown to love his expensive wines but hadn't pressed.

After I took a sip, he snatched my cup away and set it down on the table before standing and grabbing me. He winnowed us into our bedroom, the bed behind me. I yelped and covered his eyes quickly with both hands.

"No looking, no looking, no looking!"

"What? Why not?" he pouted.

"Your surprise is on the bed! No peeking!"

He smirked. "But I like peeking," he purred.

"In the bathroom," I demanded pushing him with my body backwards into our bathroom. After I kicked the door closed behind us, I let go of his face. He was staring down at me with a small smile and adoring eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"I love you," he said softly with the faintest chuckle.

I love you, I whispered into his mind. So much.

He pulled me closer and sealed my lips with his own in a gentle, loving kiss. His tongue grazed the seam of my lips and I opened for him. We quickly stripped out of our clothes and settled in to the tub that was already full of warm water.

By the time we left the bathroom, it was nearly midnight. I'd found a handkerchief and had tied around Rhys's head, making sure he couldn't see before leading him out. He had put on a pair of sweats and I had taken one of his shirts.

I lead him to the side of the bed and paused to make sure everything was perfect and in it's own place. I reached up and was about to take the bandana off when I paused.

"Why are you hesitating?" he asked in a low voice.

"Because... I don't want you to be... unhappy about the surprise," I said barely above a whisper.

He leaned down and raised myself up to press my lips softly to his. When he pulled away, he said simply, "Remove the blindfold, my love."

When I removed the cloth, he stared down at me with enough love to chase away my fears. I stepped to the side so he could see the bed, but his eyes followed me. I heard a clock chime to indicate midnight somewhere in the city.

"It's midnight," I said. "Look." I tilted my head to indicate the bed and took a step back so I was slightly behind him while he looked but could still see his face.

He turned his head and froze, staring at the small baby items on display on our mattress. He stood there for what felt like forever, staring, unmoving, until, finally, he reached a hand forward to pick up the bib.

"'What mess?'" he read aloud with a chuckle. "Funny." After he set that down, he picked up the little book and read it quickly. He looked at each item before holding the small onesie. He became a statue again for several long minutes.

I stepped forward, unable to bear the silence. I looked up into my mate's face and found it tear streaked. I reached up and wiped a tear away. He raised one hand from the baby outfit and captured my hand, keeping it pressed to his cheek. He set down the onesie with a shaky hand and, at last, looked at me.

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