Part 11

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Thirty-Four Weeks Later— The Townhouse

The sun was setting in a cloudless sky in the summer, painting the horizon and Sidra a brilliant orange. The seconds dragged. The minutes were endless. And the hours never seemed to pass.

Mor sat in the living room of the townhouse, her leg bouncing erratically. Cassian had stopped his pacing and was leaning against the wall, one arm crossed over his chest while his elbow rested on that arm to prop his head up on his fist as he stared intently at a spot on the floor. Azriel was walking around the downstairs area, having abandoned the seat beside Mor. Amren was reading a novel on the couch, casually except for the occasional anxious glance upward. Nesta was sitting on the widow seat staring through the glass. Even Lucien was there in the living room. Elain and Rhys were with Rosieda and Feyre in a bedroom upstairs. Nuala and Cerridwen and Rosieda's assistant were there, too.

After what felt like an eternity, there was silence that drew everyone's attention to the ceiling. Following the quiet was a sharp baby cry. With a sigh and a smile Mor rose to her feet and walked to the stairs to watch as Elain came down. They all watched her intently when she delivered the news that Feyre had had an episiotomy and that she and baby Dasra were alright.

Her smile was a bit forced as she walked down the hall and into the kitchen. Az took a step forward to follow, but Lucien beat him to it as he walked quickly after her. Mor listened to their muffled conversation from the end of the hall.

"What's wrong?" he asked her. "They're alright, aren't they?"

"Yes," she responded in a tearful voice. Her arms wrapped around herself as she bit her lip.

"Then why are you crying?" He took a step closer.

"We almost lost her," she sobbed. "I just—My sister almost—"

"Shh... It's okay." He took another step closer and lifted his arms. He left it up to her whether to accept his gesture or not. She didn't hesitate before walking into his open arms and burying her face in his chest. Relieved, he rubbed her back comfortingly. "She's alright. It's okay," he soothed.

In the hall, Mor looked at Az and Cass. "She almost died."

They exchanged a glance as Nesta launched to her feet and Amren rose and dropped her book on the couch. They all knew Rhys wouldn't react well to that fact. He hadn't when she died Under the Mountain nor either time when she had been in the Spring Court. It was doubtful Rhys would survive without his mate. And vise versa.

It was about an hour before they were let in to see Feyre and the baby. He was swaddled so his little wings were gently wrapped around him as he slept.

Rhys had originally snarled when Mor knocked and asked to enter. Feyre had patiently placed her free hand on her mate's which held her other. She had reminded him that she was still alive and that it was okay to let their family come into the room. Rhys had stated that only two at a time could enter. Feyre, knowing that that was as much as his sanity and temper could bear, had agreed. Now, Rhys was brushing the hair on Feyre's forehead.

He had barely stopped touching her since their son had been born. She turned her head to look tiredly at her mate and gave him a soft smile.

She shouldn't have given you that herb, he told her.

Which one? she asked.

The one that slowed your healing. You would be much better already if she hadn't given you that.

You know I heal faster than a normal fae. If she hadn't given me the herb then it would have been much more difficult to deliver Dasra. My body would have been trying to heal the episiotomy incision while I was pushing.

He grunted and she smiled at him. It will only take a couple hours for the effects to subside completely. After that I'll be able to heal faster, and be as good as new.

Exactly how many hours is "a couple"?

I don't know, but I'm going to take a nap now anyways so when I wake up I should be healing.

A nap? His spine snapped straight and he stared at her with worry. Are you feeling alright?

Well, she said patiently, I just delivered a baby so I feel really tired right now.

Oh. He relaxed a bit and smiled sheepishly. Right. Sleep well, my darling. I'll be here when you wake. He kissed her forehead and she drifted off.

Rosieda came into the room every so often to check on her and the baby. At some point during the night, the baby had started crying and Feyre had jerked awake and instantly tried to reach for her child. She realized quickly that she still couldn't move that far yet. But, of course, Rhysand was right beside her and took care of the baby.

Over the next couple days, Feyre continued to heal steadily and, by the end of the week, she would be fully healed. All the while, Rhysand never left her side.


I know it's short and I'm SO SO sorry for the late post. I had writers block again (my greatest enemy) and I kept forgetting to add and none of it sounded right. My friend usually reads these before I post them because I get really stressed about it but there is an entire ocean of space between us now (part of the reason I can't update Duana and might take it down)

I hope you enjoy! Happy Holidays!! <3

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