Part 2

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"So," Mor chirped, "what are we doing?" We walked down the stone steps of the townhouse and into the streets of the City of Starlight.

"Well, I have a surprise for Rhysand—all of you really—but I need your help with... setting it up," I replied. "I'll tell you first, but you absolutely cannot tell the others yet. I'll tell them later."

"Okay... sooo what's the surprise?" she asked, already giddy.

I smirked. "I'll tell you when we get to the store."

"Which store?"

My smirk grew into a grin. "The store I need to go to to get the stuff I need for the surprise."

"Why can't you just tell me what it is?" she whined.

"Because," I said looking at her, "if I told you now, it wouldn't be a surprise later when we get to the shop, now would it?"


"Nope," I said popping my lip on the p. "When I tell you... Promise me you won't tell anyone?"

"Of course not! You keep my secret, I would keep yours. Well, even if you didn't, I would keep your secret. But, of course, you do because your amazing and stuff."

I rolled my eyes before turning serious and asking, "When do you plan to tell everyone?" I asked.

She sighed, her own face turning serious. "I don't know. Soon? Not so soon? Later? Never? No, not never. Someday. I don't know. I—I—" Another sigh. "I don't know."

"It's okay. You'll tell them when you are ready. Remember, I will be there."

Elain called my name from behind us. We stopped and waited for her to catch up.

"You left without me," she whined as she came to Mor's other side.

"Well, you know where we're going so I figured you would catch up. And you did, so no harm done." I smiled sweetly at her. She stuck her tongue out at me and blew a raspberry.

"Elain knows?" Mor asked.

"She can literally see the future, so yeah she knows," I replied.

"Elain, what's the surprise?" Mor asked, in hopes Elain would enlighten her.

Instead she shook her head and said, "I can't tell you. That's Feyre's job."

"Ugh. You Archeron girls..." she grumbled. Suddenly, she brightened up. "How about I guess the surprise and you tell me yes, I'm right, or no, I'm wrong?"

I chuckled. "Okay."

"Yay! Okay let's see... ummm...Okay." She quietly asked, "Did you get him something, like a scabbard?"

"Nope." I smirked.

"A sword?"


She continued guessing in a hushed tone a variety of things. Some that took a moment to understand. Some that made Elain and me laugh so hard it took awhile for us to have the breath to be able to respond. Before the shop along the Sidra came into view, Mor took a long pause to think about her next guess.

"Are you... hmm... oh! Are you going to have a baby?" she whispered.

"What!" I said in disbelief. It was fun messing with her.

"You know. Are you pr—" I still stared at her in incredulity while Elain giggled. "Moving on. Okaaay... Hmmm..." She sighed. "Damn! I give! What is it?"

No fair! I thought. I wanted her to keep guessing. "I'll tell you when we get there."

"When will we get where?"

"Riiiight... now," I said stopping in front of the shop I had been looking for and quickly yanking Mor inside. "Right here."

"Where...?" She trailed off while looking around at the baby things—shirts, bibs, stuffed animals, toys. "But you said weren't having a baby...?"

"Technically, I never said no." I grinned while Elain launched into a fit a laughter.

"You cheater! Making believe you weren't—" She whacked me playfully on the arm. Then she wrapped me tightly in her arms and squealed. She put me at an arm's length away again. "Oh, gods above! You're having a baby?!" I nodded enthusiastically. "Oh, gods!" she said again. She began bouncing up and down clapping her hands over and over.

Rosieda, the shop owner, rushed over to where we stood. "Feyre! How wonderful to see you again! Hello, Morrigan!" She turned her attention back to me, capturing my hands with her own. "Have you told him yet?"

"I'm gonna tell him tonight," I said, squeezing her hands.

"I see you told Mor and Elain." Mor was currently running around the store trying—and failing—to suppress her squealing.

"Technically, I didn't tell Elain. She knew before anyone else did."

"Right," Rosieda said.

"MOTHER ABOVE, FEYRE! How long have you known?" Mor demanded as she came to a stop in front of me.

"Well. Do you remember the other day when I wasn't feeling well?" My grin spread so wide it hurt.

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