Part 7

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Mor squealed again before she pouted. "You didn't let me pre-celebrate with you? Ouch."

"We are going to celebrate tonight, and you can have actual alcohol so...does it really matter?" I said.


I rolled my eyes. "Well, you are the third person to find out and two of the three people who know found out before I did. You and my sister can tell everyone at midnight tonight when I tell Rhys, okay."

She pursed her lips in thought for a moment. "Okay, I forgive you."

"Thank the Mother." My sarcasm made her grin. "Now will you help me find a cute baby boy outfit for when I tell Rhys?" This rekindled her excitement immediately.

She clapped her hands and hopped before taking a deep breath in a feeble attempt to contain her delight. "Okay let's see..."

The three of us strolled through the shop looking for something that I would use to tell Rhys about the little newcomer.

"What about... This!" Mor grabbed something from a shelf and, bringing it over to me, held it up.

It was a dark blue—almost black—baby onesie with little stars all over it. It was so small and cute.

"Aww! Oh my gosh! It's so cute!" I said.

"What? Let me see." Elain walked over to us to inspect the onesie. She made a sound part "oooh" part "aww." "It is so small!"

"It's perfect!" I said.

I also grabbed I little book, a bib, a baby bottle, and pacifier.

While I was paying, Rosieda offered to put them in a gift bag. I said "yes, please" and then we headed back to the townhouse with Mor skipping most of the way and giggling with Elain. It filled me with such joy when I saw my family with the happiness and peace we'd fought so hard for.

Mor reached back and looped her arm through mine. "So," she said, "have you started thinking about names?"

"Not yet," I told her. "I've only known a couple days and I've really only been thinking about Rhys and telling him."

"What about the gender? Do you know that yet?" Elain asked excitedly.

"No, she said she couldn't be sure of the sex until four or five months in. So we'll have to wait three or four months."

"I think it'll be a boy," Mor chirped.

"If it is, I've always thought Kaanan was a cute name," Elain stated.

"I like it. What about Nox?"

"Nox is a good one," I put in. "What if it's a girl?"

"Rayne or..." Mor thought a moment.

"Alizia?" Elaine suppplied.

We talked about possible names for boys, for girls, and for boys and girls. The evening was soon filled with our laughter at the ridiculous names that were randomly blurted without forethought.

At the townhouse, I paused as nerves made their home in my belly. Was he ready? The question bounced around in my head and made me naw on my lower lip.

"You know he won't be upset, worried maybe, but never upset," Mor encouraged.

"I know," I sighed. "It's just—is—do you think he's ready for this?" I placed my free hand over my lower abdomen.

"Ah." Mor stepped in front of me. "Feyre, you have to know he wants children."

"Yeah, but I don't know if he's ready right now."

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