Ch.18 The reveal

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Adrien's POV

I am currently pacing around my room, extremely nervous and confused. I'm trying to wrap my head around what had happened. 

"Plagg, can you say what happened one more time?" I asked Plagg. 

"How many times are you going to make me say it? Kid the akuma put you under a spell, making you fall in love with her instead of ladybug, and in turn, you said all these horrible things to ladybug and actually broke up with her. Then you fought with White panther to get Ladybug's miraculous, but she beat you and purified the akuma. Then she said to go meet Marinette as she will have the final clue to her identity, which leads us to right now, where you're panicking about finally knowing the identity of your lady" Plagg said, slightly annoyed. 

"Okay Plagg, here we go." 

"Say the words before you freak out," Plagg said.

"Right, Plagg claws out" I transformed and started heading towards Marinette's house. I nervously knocked on her window. She opened it with a smile on her face.

"Hello Cat Noir," She said

"Hello, Purr-incess," I told her.

"Ladybug told me you would stop by. I assume you want the final clue?" She asked.

"Did you even need to ask?" I told her.

"RIght. Here it is. Ladybug was very secretive about her identity. She never wanted it to be revealed. She wouldn't reveal it to you, the person she should trust the most with her identity. So why would she tell me?" She told me, her eyes held an amused expression. 

"She didn't want anyone to know, why would she tell you?" I mumbled to myself. 

"You saw her detransform?" I asked her.

"Ladybug isn't that careless. Put all the pieces together and you'll have her identity." She said.

"Alright, well, I better get going. Bye Marinette." 

"Cat Noir wait!" She said.

"Marinette?" I asked.

"What do you think of me?" She asked shyly.

"I think you are kind, compassionate, Beautiful, intelligent and is always willing to do the right thing," I told her.

"Thank you Cat Noir," She said

"Your welcome Marinette," I told her and left.

When I got home I was pacing back and forth. I was thinking over all of her clues.

"She likes baking, Her favourite colour is pink, she loves jagged stone, who does this description fit?" I mumbled to myself. And then there was the final clue. What did she mean, why did Marinette know?How do all these puzzle pieces fit together? How do they form the identity of Ladybug? 

"Kid, is it really that hard to piece it together?" Plagg asked.

"Don't tell me you've figured it out?" Adrien asked.

"I figured it out weeks ago kid, I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet," Plagg said.

"Well help me plagg, I'm sure ladybug will reward you for helping me. She knows you like camembert. maybe she'll have something prepared for you." I was trying to get Plagg to help me. 

"Oh Alright. What are words you would use to describe Ladybug?" Plagg asked

"She's kind, compassionate, brave, intelligent and beautiful," I told him without even thinking about it. 

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