Angelica Smith

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"Sweetie I'm coming" I say to my one year old son

Len he has his dads smile "Mommie!" He yells in his high pitch baby talk I pick him up he's crying he's just woken up "Shh baby mommies here" I whisper in a soothing voice "You are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when sky's are grey...

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Len he has his dads smile
"Mommie!" He yells in his high pitch baby talk
I pick him up he's crying he's just woken up
"Shh baby mommies here" I whisper in a soothing voice
"You are my sunshine my only sunshine you make me happy when sky's are grey you never know dear just how much I love you" I sang and Lennie calmed down.
It's just me and Len his dad left one day we went to bed together when I woke he was gone I thought he was just at the store or something but he never came home or answered his cell.
I found out a week later I was carrying his child.
Knock knock
"Hello" I say answering the door to see a ten year old boy with brown hair and green eyes
"Hey are you Angelica Smith?" The kid ask
"Yes who are you?" I ask confused shifting Len on my hip
"I'm Henry mills I'm your nephew" he says what
"Kid I don't have a nephew" I say
"I'm your sisters son" he insist
I leave it
"Where your parents?" I ask
"In storybrooke main who's this?" He ask
"This is Len my son he's one" I tell him
"I have a cousin cool" he says smiling at Len who laughs at him
"He likes you" I say to Henry
"Awesome" Henry cheers coming in
"Can I hold him?" He ask and Len leans toward him
"Yeah" I say handing Len over
"I want you and Len to come home with me" Henry says oh boy
"Listen kid I can't just up and leave I have a life here and your mom probably freaking out" I tell him
"Please Angelica they need you" he says
"Who?" I ask
"Your sister and parents" He tells me wow this kid
"Mom sisters fine Henry" I tell him
"Please please please come with just for a few weeks and than you can leave" Henry begs
"Fine let me pack" I say I walk to my room packing mine and Lens stuff
"Ok come on" I say and lead Henry to my van he's carrying Len and I got my bag and the diaper bag. I strap Len on his car seat as Henry gets in the passenger seat
"Where's Len Dad?" Henry ask and his blue eyes pop back in my head smoldering at me the way they used to do I shake my head for a year and nine months I avoided thinking of him Henry pops up and I can't get him out of my head.
"Gone" I tell Henry hoping he'd let it go
"Did he die?" Henry ask Urg
"Don't know don't care woke up one day he was gone never came home" I tell Henry starting the van and leaving
"Why did he leave did he not want kids?" Henry ask
"Don't know he left before I knew I was pregnant" I say looking at Len seeing him drifting to sleep in the back
"Can we go to McDonald's?" Henry ask "they don't have it at home" he says that's weird
"Storybrooke doesn't have McDonald's?" I ask
"Nope" He says I drive into McDonald's parking lot
"What do you want?" I ask
"Quarter pounder" he says so I order two quarter pounder meals and chicken nugget kids meal for Len when he wakes up
"Thanks Angelica" he says eating his food as I eat mine
"Don't mention it" I say we finally pass the sign that says welcome to storybrooke.
"Here there's my moms car" Henry says pointing to a yellow bug I park and he gets out and runs in I go to get Len out of the car seat I walk on the to the sheriff building
"Henry where have you been?" A blonde women says squatting down and hugging him
"I found my aunt your sister" Henry says to her she looks up and smile
"I'm sorry he just showed up so I brought him home" I explained
"No it's ok um I'm Emma" she says
"Angelica this Len" I say and he gurgles
"Oh he's adorable" she says
"Thanks" I smile
"Hey Emma oh you found him" A really cute guy says
"Yeah I'm this is Angelica and Len" Emma introduced
"Graham" he says shaking my hand
"Hey little man" he says smiling at Len
Who giggles I smile at Len he's just so cute
"Henry?" A new voice calls I turn and see a women with short black hair run over to Henry
"Are you ok?" She ask
"Yeah and I found my aunt!" He says and runs off ok
"You?" She says looking at me
"He thinks I'm related to Emma I'm Angelica this is Len" I tell her
"He ran and got you?" She ask like this happens before
"Yeah um I'm confused I thought Emma was his mom" I said
"Only biologically" She sneers and walks away
"Wow She was a spitfire" I joke at Emma and Graham
"Yeah" Graham nods
"Tell me about it" Emma says
"Um do you know any hotels around here?" I ask
"Yeah down that way" she points to the left
"There a granny's bed and breakfast" She continues
"Thanks" I smile and walk out with Len I strap him in and drive over to grannies
"Hey" I say once we in
"Oh hello" an old lady says
"I'd like a room please?" I asked
"Square or forest?" She asked
"Square view" I say she gives me a key and I walk up to my room
"Well looks like this is our home right now Lennie" I say to the one year old I sit him down and go to heat up his chicken nuggets.
"Here's you nuggets sweetie" I say giving him them
He takes them and slowly eats
I turn on tv we watch sponge bob together I love this show
I used to watch this with his Father, he'd always complain about it but shut up once we cuddled together.

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