Episode 12

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"Well, with Pars gone now, we don't have anyone to help us from the inside..." Kat says.

"Well..." Xan starts and looks over at Stormer who was sitting on a crate, tweaking his E-11.

He looks up at everyone.

"Huh? What?" Stormer asks.

"We do need someone on the inside of the empire to help us." Derma says.

"What? No!" Stormer yells and stands up, tossing his blaster down on the crate.

"No! Way! There's no way I'm going back! I left for a reason!" Stormer yells scowling.

"Stormer, please. You know how the empire works, they would accept you back with open arms. You're a clone, one of the best soldiers in the empire." Ian says.

"You don't understand, General," Stormer sneers.

"I am not going back and there's nothing you can do to change my mind!" Stormer yells at everyone before turning and grabbing his blaster off the crate as Kat walks over.

She places her hands on his shoulder and forearm.

"Stormer..." She says.

Stormer scowls and looks at her.

"What?" He asks coldly.

"Stormer, I'm not going to beg you to rejoin the empire for us but just think about how much it could seriously benefit us all. We could always stay one step ahead of them." Kat tells him.

"You know what happened to Pars right?" Stormer asks.

"Yes...that was....most unfortunate but-" Kat starts.

"Unfortunate?" Stormer scoffs.

"We all know, that if I go rejoin they're going to keep me on the shortest of leashes! They'll monitor me like I hawk! I will have to serve for 5 more fucking years in that miserable stormtrooper corps to be able to work on my own and not be monitored every second of every day! Thrawn isn't fucking stupid! You know he'd be expecting something like this!" Stormer screams.

"Stormer, Stormer." Kat says grabbing his hands.

He had tears rolling down his face that wore a scowl.

"I can't. They'll execute me as soon as they find out who I am....either that or I'll have to kill more of you than it's worth..." Stormer says as more tears start streaming down his face.

"Stormer...you're a soldier. You've taken bigger risks than that." Four hisses.

"I don't want to hear anything out of you, lizard." Stormer says coldly.

"What did you ssssay?" Four hisses and walks over, towering over Stormer and staring down at him.

"Guys." Kat says getting between the 2, pushing them away from each other.

"Stand down Commander, Captain." Bat says looking at Four then Stormer.

Bat walks over and looks around.

"Whats going on?" He asks as Four and Stormer walk away from each other.

"Since Pars is gone, they're trying to get me to join the empire as a plant to help you guys-" Stormer starts explaining.

"That could be a good idea..." Bat says.

"There's no way I'm doing that, sir. With all due respect." Stormer tells Bat.

"Do you understand how much this could help us?" Bat asks Stormer.

"Yes I do but...I can't go back..." Stormer says.

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