Episode 22

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Somewhere in space

The Trandoshan slave ship was soaring through hyperspace as the crew was starting to wake up in the morning. They clambered through the halls, kicking and knocking on the tops of the cages, waking the captives up from their rest as they look up to stare at their captors that were laughing at them as they walk past.

"How was your sleep?" Scars asks Fernanda.

"It was fine...when I could finally get to sleep." She tells him.

They glance over at Bat who hadn't moved since their cages were harassed.

"Bat...Bat..." Fernanda starts.

"BAT!" She screams.


"Wake up!" She screams at him and starts shaking her own cage.

"Fernanda, Fernanda, no. Stop...don't draw attention to it...." Scars says.

"But-!" She starts and points at Bat.

"Fernanda..." Scars says.

She sighs and sits back in her cage, running her fingers through her hair that was caked with mud and dirt.

"Not yet..."Scars tells her.

They felt the ship lurch forward as it emerges from hyperspace.

"What was that?" Fernanda asks.

"I don't know...be ready for anything." He tells her.

Their restraints inside their cages had since been removed after releasing the imperial troops on the hunting island. The ship slowly comes to a halt and creaking could be heard echoing throughout. Suddenly, the floors beneath the feet of the captives falls and they all drop from their cages into a shallow pit. Fernanda hits the ground hard, sending a cloud of dirt up around her before she coughs and slowly stands up. She looks around and sees Bat's limp body covered in dried blood, bruises and burn marks.

"BAT!" She screams and runs over toward him. Scars walks over then looks up as the ship flies off and a ray shield closes over the pit and he looks around.

It was rather large for so few people. He saw the remaining fourth captive laying a few meters away from them and he slowly walks over toward the man. He rubs his head and looks up toward Scars whose body was covered in cuts and bruises. The man seemed mostly unharmed except for a few cuts and bruises. Scars offers his hand to the man and he nods and grabs it as he's helped to his feet. They walk over toward Fernanda and Bat and stand over him.

"He's not breathing!" Fernanda screams as she begins bawling.

"I know this is hardly the time but when I was dropped from the cage I caught a glance of your ship. It's on a landing pad somewhere to the west." The man tells them and points ahead.

"How did you manage that?" Scars asks.

"Photographic memory. It's important for a spy." The man says.

"Charmer." Fernanda says.

"Yes Ma'am." The man tells her, nodding.

"We have to get out of here." Fernanda tells him.

"I know. I was thinking of a plan on the ship but this is a new place...I'll need some time to think of something." Charmer tells them.

He walks off as he stares around the large pit they were in and stares at the door.

"That's where the guards will most likely come in to torture us." Charmer says as Fernanda tends to Bat's wounds as best she can.

Not too long later, the door opens and a group of trandoshans mosey into the pit and walk toward them.

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