Chapter 2 - Thank god

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Pushes Julia away from him'. "what are you doing, don't kiss me out of know where, why are you even here?" 


"um thought you would want me here! don't you?"


no i don't obviously, if u didn't cheat on me with that son of a bitch Aubrey --


"yeah i know whatever i'm leaving you losers suck except you Chris baby" she blows him a kiss as he cringes. 


"sorry for that shes just a hoe, you will get used to it anyways we should have a warmer introduction i'm Chris Maurice This is Jake my man and back to you Pinky"


"yeah these ugly people are my franndss and now you are gonna be one of them "


"your really beautiful, umm is it Robyn"


Yes her name is robyn and You should kind of back off since your seeing someone"


"im not----"


"shut up", "yeah your actually really gorgeous robyn"


"uhh no i dont think im that gorgeous but thanks"



I start to think, did she really just say shes not that gorgeous

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I start to think, did she really just say shes not that gorgeous. her hair her skin, her heart shaped lips that are mesmerising, her hair her curves just in the right places, her hazel eyes, she fucking perfect and yet she thinks she not that gorgeous, shes different i can feel it, normally girls a just stuck up but Robyn is different i just feel like shes had a rough past just like me. 

After Classes it was Lunch '


Pinky and i walked to the cafeteria and got our food, i was just following her to see where we sit, then i just started wondering does chris really think im gorgeous, nah probably just got pumped no boy would ever  think im gorgeous just like ben said. We finally arrived and saw Jake and Chris sitting there. chris kind of gave me a smirk with a wave, i know this is my first day and i dont know him but i can just feel that hes different hes had a rough past just like me. 


"well im having a party every one is invited, would you like to come robs?"


"uh yeah im sure im free ill be there" 


"so ill text you the adress"


"yeah sure"


"okay here put your number in here"


"ooooh, someone has a crush"


"shut your mouth"

Jake bursts out laughing


"umm so since i cam in the middle of the year, are there any school event yet to come"


omg yaaaaaas, PROM, is coming im nominated to set up the prom and decorate it, you should help me"


"what if she dont wanna, hahaha"


"hahahaha yeah" 


"No i would love to, i love prom always wanted to decorate"

The day just went by pretty fast


I was walking to my car, as i got in the car my car wouldn't turn on, i was trying soo hard "shit im fucked" I try different solutions to get my car started up but nothing. Chris comes up to me and knocks on my car window, which had given me a fright, i opened the car door as he asked me "whats up" "oh nothing", i said. "do you need a lift, robs, my cars just right there" he kindly asked me. "nah really ill just tell y mum to pick me up-". He cuts me off by saying "get in Robs imma drop you home"

I slowly got my belongings from my car and walked to his, it was one awkward ride, "do you like music robs", "yeah i love music, my life" , He put on the cd playing 'It girl', "omg i love this song, You got nice music taste, i have to admit chris", "i know, so is you house around this corner" he asks. "yup here it is". "you got a nice house", "Thanks not probably something your use to right", "dont say that, i love your house be thankful". "i am, anyways thanks for the ride chris" " no need anything for you robs" Robyn Gives me a peck on the cheek, and i just melt as she got out and closes the car door, as i wait to see if she safely is inside her house. 

As i still think did she just kiss my cheek, This is gonna be the first time im exited to got school tomorrow

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As i still think did she just kiss my cheek, This is gonna be the first time im exited to got school tomorrow. 


Authors note 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter next chapter will be updated on the 1st April

please do keep in mind that this is my first story, thanks pls comment what you think, i love to read feedback, Thanks <3.

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